The closure...

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Hey guys here is the final chapter of this book. Hope you all enjoying it... Let's go then...  Enjoy. 


Radhika opened her eyes. She turned and found Zubin was sitting in the chair and his head was on the wall with his eyes closed. She saw him with disguise and turned her head and a small sob left her mouth. 

When Saral was kicking her he was standing there like a stone statue and now he is here in her room as a caretaker. 

Zubin turned his head and found her wide awake and stood up from his chair and walked to her. Slowly keeping his hand over her forehead he asked her with full of concern " How is my baby princess doing ?? " 

Radhika broke down. He was really the best brother back then. More than Karthika it was she whom he loved. She was his little princess, always but his greed made him a monster which she hated and even after so much when he took his side she felt she was been betrayed again. 

I am sorry my little girl. Please dont cry... i am sorry radha... he said and and rubbed his hand over her forehead. Radhika was crying all her disappointments and Zubin hugged his sister and mumbled many sorries to her.

Neil entered the room and saw them. He was a kind of happy for the reunion but it did not last long. He walked to Radhika and held her hand.

Arjun... He is getting panic attack Radhika. He needs you... he said in a broken voice. Zubin and Neil helped her to walk. Her heart was raising when she heard a scream of her Arjun. 

No.. no... he is going to hurt me...  

Radhika entered the room and found everything was messed up and Arjun was holding a vase in his hand and was sweating heavily with his eyes in terrible pain and fear. Radhika took a step where Arjun yelled " No radhika dont come near me, i dont want any one near me." Radhika nodded her head in a positive way but took another step by calling his name. 

Arjun... Arjun... look it is me... your love... your radhika... i wont hurt you Arjun... Please...

She said and took another step. 

No... No one is coming near me... 

Arjun for god sake we are your friends... Neil yelled in frustration. Arjun was acting weird from the time he woke up. It was hurting for Neil to see Arjun in a vulnerable state. Once he was back to the hospital he fainted when they took Radhika from his hands and when he woke up he was acting all strange, not letting any one touch him nor he is allowing any one near him. 

Radhika took one more step and Arjun who was threatening the doctors saw her a bit too close from the place where she was.

Radhika... no stay away from me... She did not hear anything. She took the last step and pulled him to herself by hugging him tight. 

Let go me... he screamed... she did not loose her hold or she said anything. She just hugged him tight and slowly he started to break down. He was crying like a lost child and passed out. She then left the hold and the doctors gave him some sedation for him to rest.

It took few hours for Arjun to open his eyes. He checked where he was and found a heaviness in his left side of his body, his body shivered, he started to get panic thinking that he might be chained. He closed his eyes shut and opened again. But he was in the same place. His eyes were showering without any permission. 

He slowly turned and found Radhika sleeping hugging him. His body relaxed when he saw his love sleeping peacefully. He pulled her to himself even more close and kissed her on her head and mumbled " I am sorry Radhika, i failed you, please i won't survive without you." he sniffed again. 

Radhika who heard his confession opened her eyes slowly and saw Arjun hugging her. She smiled and kissed his cheeks and said " I am happy we made out of this mess, dont worry warrior i won't leave you that easy, i am always your princess, the warrior's princess... Okay ?? " she asked and he nodded and hugged her close and closed his eyes in heart content breathe out. 

It took few weeks for them to recover completely but Sam still has her wound raw. All insisted her to stay but she did not, she wanted to be with Neil nothing else. 

They wrapped the project and Arjun took the incharge of submitting the report to the archaeology department to take the tender for them. It was Arjun's house where they all stayed together and sam was taken care off. 

One fine evening...  

Radhika was sipping her coffee and was standing in the balcony watching Arjun from distant who was sitting in the sea shore lost in his thought. Neil came and patted her shoulder. Radhika smiled and nodded and he smiled at her and turned to watch Arjun who was sitting in a bench under an umbrella looking at the sea but lost in his pools of thought. 

He will become normal right ?? Radhika asked in a doubtful voice. Yeah he have to be normal you know else i cannot handle you and your craziness. Neil teased. She smiled and punched his shoulder and smiled, sipping her coffee she turned to Neil.

How is sam ??

Oh she is fine. Sleeping for now, wounds are ok but she is still in that thought of what happened. Even this time he treated her the same way he did last time. That was the only thing which is hurting me. Wish i was a bit more stronger to protect her. 

You are strong Eashwar. Forget about what ever happened, we made out of the mess. Let us start afresh. Sam said when she stood infront of them. Radhika smiled at her. Teji who is staying in his house used to make a visit once in every 2 days, but practically living with them. 

He came and pulled Sam from Neil and said " Stay away from this idiot, he is worthless."

Oh come on man give me a chance, i wont fail this time. Neil begged to Teji. 

I donno why sis but i cant trust him , Teji said in a confused voice looking at Sam which made them all bust into laugh. Radhika laughed and turned to see Arjun who has not improved from the trauma which he went through. 

They all sat in the couch while Radhika was still standing in the balcony enjoying the breeze, where she heard some news which gained her attention. 

Famous business man Saral Joshi has been brutally murdered by his beloved wife when they had a fight in the annual vacation. This lead to this incident. Radhika gasped. Karthika took the responsibility of killing Saral. When she turned to see Arjun he was still looking at the sea. 

Arjun picked his mobile. Radhika could see him typing something in that mobile. Immediately her phone started to ring. She smiled and kept it near her ear. 

Stop staring at me... come i am waiting for you for so long... Finish your coffee in your hand and come... 

Radhika gasped and snapped her head to see him. He turned and winked at her. Finishing her coffee and keeping that in the kitchen counter she saw her family who were happily watching some jokes in TV, she turned to see Arjun who was looking at the sea again. Taking a deep breathe she walked to him. Sitting next to him, she cuddled in his shoulder and Sakthi was sitting in the mud and kept his head near Arjun's leg. Smiling at this Radhika closed her eyes taking a deep breathe as the mess is finally over, this time they won the battle. 


Finally finished it...  This is the last chapter of this book. The next one is epilogue. This is one of my favorite book. Something which will be in my heart for so long. I planned to type only 10 to 12 chapters but ended around 20 chapters. 

A different try hope you all liked it... 

Did arjun forgot his past or is he going through some kind of stress ?? Will be known in the epilogue... 

Till then love you all Muhhhhaaaa



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