Angel! John AU

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(Prepare for me to shatter your emotions. Modern AU. Warning: it's pretty screwed up.) 

John sat up in the grass. He stood up and looked around. He saw grass. And people crowding around someone. Running towards somethings.. behind him. He was about to move out of the way, but.. they went right through him. 

He looked behind him and saw a crashed plane, smoke all around it. Corpses littered the ground. "Oh my god...." He said out loud. 

He screamed. "Hello?" He yelled. Nobody heard him. He went up to someone and tried to tap them on the shoulder, but his hand went through them. 

Suddenly, he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around. He was staring at a woman who he didn't recognize. She hugged him. 

"Thank you for taking care of my Alexander.. it's an honor to finally meet you." 

"So, you're his.. mother?" 

She nodded. 

"Please. Take me to him. Please, take me to Alexander. If you can." John asked her. 

She held out her hand and John grabbed it. 

Suddenly, incredible wings came out of her back. They flew through the sky to Alexander's house. On the way, they talked. 

"Were you and my son extremely close friends?" 

"Miss, I loved your son." He said, blushing. 

She smiled. "Did he know?" 

"No.. I never got a chance to tell him." 

They flew into the house (through the window because magic) and saw Alexander typing on his laptop. Then he got the text.

He picked up his phone and his face lit up. It said it was from John. 

"Hello. Is this Alexander?" 

Puzzled, he replied "Yes."

"John was shot today on his way back from South Carolina. We're so sorry."

Alexander's eyes filled with tears. He shut his laptop and put his phone down. He walked over to the couch and sat down, sobbing into his hands. "Why... why John..." 

"Alex!!" John yelled rushing over to him and sitting down next to him. "Alex, it's okay! I'm here! It's okay, Alex, calm down.." His eyes began to fill with tears. "Why can't you see me? Alex, please... Alex..." He broke down in sobs. 

Alexander stood up and went over to his laptop and opened a new document. 

He typed, "I can't do this without John.. he won't ever know how much I love him." 

"W-what?" John asked as he read it. His mother looked puzzled, her eyes filling with tears.

Alexander walked into the bathroom. "A-Alex?" John asked through sobs. Alex grabbed a pill bottle and opened it as realization struck John. He began screaming. 

"ALEX! ALEX, NO, DON'T DO THIS!! ALEX, DON'T!! ALEX, PLEASE!! PLEASE DON'T TAKE YOUR LIFE FOR ME, PLEASE!!" He shouted, though was muffled through his own crying and sobbing. 

But it was too late. 

Alex had taken the pills... and he collapsed. 

John kneeled next to the body. "Alex.. why.. Alex, no. Please, Alex, please don't die..." 

His mother was crying, but not nearly as badly as John. 

"Alexander.." He sobbed.

Then he heard a voice from behind him. He gasped. 

"I'm right here." He was told. 

He stood up. "Alexander..." 

He grabbed Alexander and kissed him immediately, Alexander kissing back. 

He was also the first to pull away. "Alexander.. why did you do that for me?" 

"You're the love of my life, Jacky.." He said, making both him and John smile. "And I had to see you again." 

Now they can spend forever together... just not exactly in the way either of them imagined it.

B Y E E M O T I O N S 

*'¯'*.¸¸.*'¯'* Lams Oneshots *'¯'*.¸¸.*'¯'*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon