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*Breaking News*

     This just in; Flight TCZAN5: Oceania Airlines has officially been marked as a missing aircraft. The plane was en route to a small Oceanian island, Palau, located in the Pacific Ocean with an ETA of two days ago. The small, regional airliner was carrying 75 passengers and 8 crew members. All passengers and crew members have been declared missing. On board this plane, were world-renowned geneticist Neoma Nai and metaphysicist Atlan Khan. This tragedy has sent shockwaves throughout the science community, especially as the five year anniversary of beloved scientist Kade Daniels is today. This day five years ago, Daniels was en route on a similar flight path when her plane mysteriously vanished. Several tasks forces searched for months but they could not piece together this puzzling tragedy. Eventually, searches were called off as all leads withheld any substantial evidence.

     The FBI continues to investigate as there appears to be a link between Daniel's disappearance and flight TCZAN5. So far there haven't been any major leads, nor evidence of a wreckage, but we will keep you updated with incoming information. This is Lynde Wells, reporting live from Banks Hollow News Station. Back to you Ro--

The tears escape me before I have the chance to wipe them away. Shad, always the ever-knowing, slyly hands me a tissue to wipe my eyes. He discreetly places a hand on my shoulder, a reminder that he's there if I need him. I automatically feel myself begin to relax. Even so, sitting here is too overwhelming. I also don't want my friends to see me like this. God knows they've seen it enough over the past five years.

I'm about the excuse myself from the lunch table when the ever so oblivious Ikaika interrupts my escape plan.

"Yo, Shailoh!" Ikaika exclaimes as he waves his greasy, salt-ridden hands in my face, forcing me to look up. "Have you completed Oxford's homework? The dude assigns like 30 pages a night and he expects us to read it all. Like I have the time for that", Kai grunts in pure disgust.

Before I am able to answer, Suva interjects. "Why am I not surprised? The class idiot still hasn't learned to compete his homework by himself. We are about to graduate in less than three months, how have you not learned yet?"

Kai's attention is now solely on Suva. By the look on his face, I know Suva has pushed a button, triggering a most likely rant-filled reaction. Suva on the other hand looks completely relaxed and amused, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"First off, I don't remember addressing you Suva, so stay out of this conversation before I--, Kai begins before being cut off.

"Before you what? What are you going to do, Kai?

I take this time to quietly slip away from the table. As much as I need the distraction, I can't sit at the table much longer. As I grab my backpack, I notice Shad moving to leave the table too, but before I can, I place my hand on his shoulder to let him I know I want to be alone. He hesitates for a moment, but sits back down.

Heading out of the cafeteria I place my headphones back in. I need something to drown out the noise of today. Because on this day five years ago, my dad, Dr. Kade Daniels disappeared.


Shadow finds me seated on the outskirts of the campus. Sitting beneath the old willow tree, it's difficult to see who is underneath, but somehow Shadow always knows when I am there. I guess that's twin telepathy for you.

"I can't believe it's been five years", Shadow says softly. I turn my head quick enough to see him quickly wipe away a tear. Sometimes I forget that I am not the only one who has experienced losing our dad; Shad has too. Usually I'm the one who breaks down while Shad holds it together for the both of us. But know I'm realizing maybe he hasn't been holding it together as well as I assumed.

I lean my head on Shadow's shoulders breathing in the remnants of this morning's cologne. "Still trying be like dad I see. You smell like an old man," I chuckle lowly.

"Shut up. I smell good, at least that's what the girls be telling me", Shad laughingly retorts while shrugging me off his shoulder.

"Rolling my eyes I turn to face him. "Shadow, you kn--you know I'm here for you if you want to talk about...that day right. I know we've never talked about it, but maybe if--

"I never want to talk about that day", he says interjects icily. "Never, Shailoh."

I nod quietly. As much as I would hope that Shadow would open up to me, I guess I have to recount that day on my own.

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