Before Everything Changed

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    As Shadow and I settled into our seats for AP History & Theory, our conversation is interrupted by a distracted and slightly frazzled, older woman who stumbles into class, spilling half of her coffee and pieces of loose leaf paper onto the floor.

"Oh dear! I just can't seem to get myself together today." She mumbles quietly to herself. She begins to bend slightly to pick up the papers and wipe up her spilled coffee, but as she does so, she realizes the classroom is in fact not empty. Much to her surprise, 25 pair of teenage eyes stare back at her.

"Oh my. I--I--. Uh, ex--excuse me, is this room 204? She asks hesitantly, stuttering over her slightly sentence.

At first no one answers, either too shocked or uninterested to answer.

Eventually, after what seems like two eternities have passed by I quietly answer for the whole class. "Yes, you're at the right place."

"Oh thank heavens! I just don't know what I would do if I got lost again. Thank you, dear. She replies, with sincere gratitude in her voice.

I shyly nod and settle further into my seat. 

"Right, so afternoon class, my name is Ms. Ruby. Professor Rion couldn't be here today, so she left an assignment for you all to complete. You must complete it by the end of the period. "You may use the computers to complete the assignme--" Ms. Ruby begins to say before she's interrupted by the groaning and mumbling of privileged teenagers.

Banks Hollow High is a prestigious private high school that caters to the town's finest and most upscale families. Lawyers, doctors, and the like, fight tooth and nail to register their children each year. However, many students are not afforded the luxury of Banks Hollow due to limited capacity,  much to the dismay of gruntled parents. BH high values its intimate class sizes, with a 12 to 1 ratio. However, if you're like Shadow and myself who are fortunate enough to have a professor as a parent, you get admitted without much of a hassle. 

Dad was so excited when we received our enrollment letter. Shadow and I, not so much. But now we would do anything to have him embarrassingly walk us to class again. We would do anything to see dad again...

The abrupt screeching noise of students shuffling toward the back of the class to sign into their computers draws me back from zoning out. However, Shadow and I stay in our seats as we have already completed all upcoming homework for this class. Ms. Ruby is still trying to figure out how she's going to mop up the spilled coffee and pays us no mind.

Shadow decides to use this free time to work on some physics homework. As I open my laptop, I decide to finish up some notes for my next class, but get distracted by an email notification. Clicking on the link, it takes me to the local online news channel: Banks Hollow News, opening to the latest developing story.

What I read catches my breath. I must make some audible noise as Shadow looks up and silently mouths "You okay?'

I quickly reassure him that I am fine. Taking two deep, but shaky breaths, I look back onto the screen and read the title of the article: 'Terrorist Responsible for Washington D.C., Banks Hollow Attack Escapes Custody.'

This can't be true, I think to myself. There's no way he could have escaped. I can feel my anxiety slowly creep in. My stomach starts to roll as the acidic taste rises to the back of my throat. I feel the beads of sweat slowly slide by my back. My normally cool hands, have become hot to touch, shaking slightly. It also becoming increasingly harder to focus on the screen as my vision starts to blur.

Shadow must sense my nervousness because out of the corner of my I see him continuously peaking at me. I know my eyes will spill everything before my mouth does so I refuse to look at him. Eventually, I am able to hold myself together a bit more and he focuses back on his project.

I hesitantly click on the awaiting video, silently regretting that I clicked the play button.

"This is Roe James reporting to you live from Banks Hollow News. The FBI has just released a statement, confirming that the terrorist Sebastian Moran, has indeed escaped from unknown blacksite holding cell at 8am this morning.

Federal agents were caught off guard when a huge explosion shook the underground cell. This was only a distraction as the unknown third party used this opportunity to swoop in and extract Moran. As of yet, the FBI has stated that they have no specific leads to who has helped him escape, but are following up on some possible tips. The FBI will continue to work with other government agencies

Sebastian Moran's escape is a shock to all. Many are concerned, especially with the anniversary of the Banks Hollow attack just around the corner. We advise you to be observant, be mindful, and be cautious.

That is all for now and we will continue to keep you updated. This is Roe James reporting live from Banks Hollow News Station.

As the video ends, I am left a shaking mess. I quickly leave the classroom, knocking over my chair in the process.

Just as I feel like there is no air left to breath, I make it outside to the senior balcony. I find an empty seat, crumpling into the chair. I thought being outside would make it easier to breath, but I am still finding it difficult, as I am still gasping for air. I feel so dizzy and nothing seems to be helping. Eventually, my breathing evens out as I tilt my head back, looking at the cloudy sky.

I don't know how long I sit like that but I am eventually interrupted by silent footsteps and heavy breathing.

"Shailoh, what's going on? I've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing out here? Shad asks persistently. I haven't looked at him yet, but I can hear the desperation in his voice as I imagine the concern in his eyes.

Slowly closing my eyes and letting out a shuddering breath, I turn to Shadow and say "He escaped."

Tears are too busy blurring my eyes to see Shadow's reaction, but I know he knows whom I'm speaking about.

After all, how could we forget?

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