5. The Start Of A Mess

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Third Pov

The four teens walk up to the sidewalk before the house and examines it again.

"Ever since Nebbercracker died...there's been smoke
coming out of the chimney." DJ states.

In DJ's house

"The furnace. The furnace is the heart! If we're gonna put out that fire, we're gonna have to go inside." Jenny says drawing a circle around the house on the map they drew.

"Without getting chewed to pieces." Chowder says.

"Dummy." DJ says slamming his hand on the dummy Chowder drew.

"Hey, I was just doodling." Chowder says.

"No, Chowder, this is it.
First, we build a dummy.
We fill the dummy
with a few gallons of cold medicine. Borrow it from your dad's pharmacy." DJ explains.

"Say what?" Chowder says as DJ is talking.

"Feed the dummy to the house, house eats the medicine-"

"And the house goes to sleep." River finishes smirking.

"Look at this!"

"We get in, douse the fire and get out...Questions?"

"Yes, are you nuts? I don't wanna steal drugs from my father...I don't wanna go inside a monster and I don't wanna die!" Chowder argues.

"I say it's worth a shot." Jenny says.

"Yes I agree, lets do it." Chiwder changes his mind. River giggles at Chowders weirdness.

"What do you think River?" DJ asks her.

"I'm down, cold medicine last about 4 hours so we'll have time." She agrees.

"Oh I pray we won't be in there that long." Jenny says.

"We won't." DJ assures.

They all prepare for the risk they are about to take. Chowder steals the cold medicine, they make the dummy, and they pick out water guns.

"Hey, but I wanted that one." Chowder says to Jenny, who had the bigger one.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Jenny says switching the guns. DJ grabs the key and they set up two trash cans with DJ in one, Jenny in the other, River behind DJ outside of the can, and Chowder behind the dummy.

"Go." DJ tells Chowder. He walks the dummy up to the house.

"All right, little vacuum-cleaner dummy, I'm gonna move you into position. You don't be scared. That's not how I trained you. I love you, vacuum-cleaner dummy." Chowder whispers to the dummy as they walk up. As soon as he's close enough DJ knocks on the can Jenny's in. She pops her head up and aims her rock launcher at the doorbell. She lets go, the rock flies straight and hits the bell, making it go off.

"Trick or treat!" Chowder shouts in a different voice once he gets behind Jenny's trashcan. The window opens slightly, seeing the dummy it opens the door and sticks its carpet tongue out. Chowder plugs the cords together making the dummy go towards the door. It gets closer and closer..until the house hears a siren and goes back to normal. The cop car runs over the cord, unplugging it. They park the car, half of it in the lawn and the other half on the road.

DJ's Pov

"So close." I mumble out of frustration, now we're in trouble.

Jenny's Pov

Great, those cops. Now we're in for it, I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

Chowder's Pov

Wait, maybe if I go to jail I'll seem like a bad boy, girls love bad boys! Does Jenny like bad boys?

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