Chapter 24

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(hey, what's wrong?)

"umm, this is about thomas"

(what!? what happened!?)

"asdfghjkl qwertyuiop zxcvbnm"


"im sorry, he th--"

(im coming home)


URRRGG! sakit ng ulo ko, what happened? wait .. this is not my room, am i in a hotel? what did i do last night? urrg my head is so heavy. i go into the mirror and sees myself NAKED, wait! what!? why am i naked?. i hurriedly take one towel in the desk to cover my under part, well i was not really naked, like nakedd naked, i have my boxers on but im in a hotel, you dont just wear boxers on hotels, maybe because sometimes you leave the door unlocked and someone let themselves in with no permission, ok enough with that.

why am i here? am i alone? how did i get here? why am i half naked? why is the bed so messy? and why 😨 why is there a bra? sht what did i do? did wear this thing? ohmygish thomas stop asking yourself!

*IIIIIKKKKKKKK* (that's a sound of a door opening)

WHAT THE HELL! where did this girl come from?, i immediately turn around, ohmygod! why is she not wearing any top, i face palmed myself LITERALY, i grabbed my stuffs and put my pants on and my sando and walked straight outside the door, i didn't dare to talk to her maybe she'd go asdfghjkl. think thomas! what did i do last night and ended up here? think! think! think! aha!, so im at a party with jeron, AVO and kiefer and then ... *naningkit ang mga mata* jeron.. you are so gonna die today

so i went to his condo and knocked, knocked like there's no tomorrow, then avo opened the door, sleep over without me? jk, i walked towards jerons room, i didn't notice avo, i just walked pass him, and i knocked again ... very hard, then he opens it

"what the hell jeron, why would you set me up with that girl? did you do this whole thing? fuck you man! you're such an ass!" then i throw that 'the fault in our stars' book to his fuckin' face, that his fav. ugg gay. so i sat down at the couch and this good dude here just gave me breakfast, then jeron went in

"what are you so mad about? im mean its just a girl" jeron then eats his sandwhich

"did you know what i saw when woke up?" then they were all sitting on the couch waiting for my wonderful story -.- seriously? "uggg at first i noticed that im not in my room, the second thing that i noticed is that im half naked and there is a huge pink bra hangging at the side of the table" and they laughed ... real hard "shit jeron, did you hire this girl?" he just laughed "you fucking set me up! did you know that out of nowhere shes just burstin' out of the bathroom without any top? like ANY TOP, you bullcrap!" then i kicked his chair off then he falls with his chair "why would you do that?"

"look man, i mean, you're sad, gloomy, heavy hearted, hurting, troubled, so? i put a prank on you"

"what!? ganon na nga yung condition ko you put a prank on me pa! what the hell!"

"see, you thought that you did something with this girl buuuuut nope you didn't, you see, you were so drunk and i had an idea to put a prank on you so, hinatid ko kayo sa hotel, actually with arnold and kiefer AND kief and avo undressed you and mess the bed up, its alrady morning like 6am so we knew that you'd wake up buuuuuuut, that part with the bra and no top thingy? that was not in the plan hahaha"

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