He meets your Family(special chapter for Patton and Roman)

Start from the beginning

Mother wants to meet my boyfriend. She wants me to take him to her house in London by tomorrow morning so they can meet. The thing Mother doesn't know that he's a muggle. I walk over to Roman and hug him.

"Rome. My mother wants to meet you." I say into his chest.

"Then let's meet her." He says in his upbeat voice.

"The thing is she wants to meet you tomorrow and I couldn't get plane tickets that leave soon enough."

"Well we'll meet her when we get there."

"My mother hates when I'm not on time. There is one way we can get there in time." I say quietly. He looks at me questioning. I sigh and let go of him. "Rome, I guess I have to tell you eventually. I'm a witch." I whisper.

"Love could you say that again louder?"   I sigh and pull out my wand (photo at top) and mutter lumos. He gasps.

"I'm a witch." I say with more confidence.

"What. No way." His jaw drops.

"We could apperate to my mothers house in the morning.  Let's get some dinner and settle down for the night." He nods still slightly shocked at what I told him.

-when we get there-

Roman looks sick after we hit the ground.  I pat his back gently as he dry heaves.  He sits on the ground and pulls me into his lap.

"Rome we got to get inside or my mother will kill me." I tell him standing up.  He takes my hand and follows me to mothers house.  I knock on the door and a house elf opens the door.  "Thanks Donny."

"Your welcome mistress." He replies quickly.  I drag Roman who is wide eyed to the Dining room where mother said she would be.  The clock chimes 8 right when we step foot in the room.  Right on time.

"(Y/N) how lovely to see you my dear." Mother says holding her arms out daintily for a hug.

"Mother, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Roman." I say standing up straight.

"Hello Mrs. (L/N).  It's a pleasure to meet you." He grabs mothers hand and kisses it.

"Well Hello Roman.  Please sit.  How did you two meet." She demands.

"(Y/N) was sitting in the mall reading my favorite book series so I went up to talk to her and she had to go, as she later cleared up, to work." Roman says happily reliving that day.

"What book series was it."

"Harry Potter." He says without hesitation. My eyes go wide.

"That Potter boy! He has a book! Oh how I've despised him!" Mother practically yells.

"Mother. Remember, because of him I'm alive. Got it." I say trying to calm her down.

"He saved you?" Roman asked intrigued.

"I was a first year when the battle of Hogwarts took place. I was tortured when he knocked out the man who put me through it." I whisper only loud enough that he could hear

"Shadow come on... they really want to meet you." I whine. Virgil just groans in response knowing that he won't win. He changes into something slightly nicer and gets in the car with me.

-when we get there-

The door swung open even before I knock on it and three of my brothers tackle me. My mom hells at them to get inside and pulls me into a big hug. I look around and see all my siblings there along with my parents and grandparents. Virgil won't like that.

"Mom this is my boyfriend Virgil." I say gesturing to him. He just shyly waves back. "He's extremely shy." I whisper to her.

"Virgil I would like you to meet my brothers, Jacob, Devan, George, Mark, Tanner, and Matt. And my sister Lidia." I says and they each wave.

"Hi Virgil." They say in unison.

"Grandma, Grandpa. This is my boyfriend Virgil." I say loud enough so they can hear. He smiles at how nice I am to my family. They shake his hand and tell him to be nice to me.

"Dad I want you to meet Virgil." My father is the most accepting guy in the world. The only person in my family he had to worry about was my mom was not as accepting of people.

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