Chapter 4 - New Home, New Beginnings

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Joey and Phoebe had just arrived at the hospital. They were currently sitting in the waiting room. All the seats were filled but one so Phoebe sat on Joeys lap. The couple had smiles bigger than ever plastered on their faces. They were told they would be able to find out the gender of the baby even though this was their first doctors visit. The hospital staff gave Joey and Phoebe an immediate appointment considering Phoebe could be anywhere from 4 to 5 months pregnant and hasn't had any appointments so far.

Joey wrapped his arms around Phoebe so his hands were placed on her bulge.

Phoebe had changed into a tight yellow tank top so her stomach was more noticeable. "Look Joey, we can already see it growing!" She was smiling down at her stomach. "Do you think it's gonna be a boy or girl?"

Joey was staring off into space, day dreaming about the day their child would be born and holding the little baby in his arms. Coming back to reality he said, "I want it to be a boy but I have a gut feeling it will be a girl. And she will be as beautiful as you Pheebs." Joey winked at Phoebe.

He made her blush, she leaned back to kiss him. "What were you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing." Joey was embarrassed to admit it. Phoebe could tell he was lying.

"Joey, Im not stupid, I sense things. Your thinking about the baby aren't you?" Phoebe winked.

Joey knew this about her but was still amazed by her powers every time. "Yeah I was. I was just thinking about the day you give birth to the baby, and holding her in my arms and stuff." Joey hugged Phoebe in a cute way.

"Wow, you really think its going to be a girl, huh?" Phoebe smiled. "Because me too, I think I already have a name."

"Oh I wanna hear it, what are you thinking?" Joey perked up a little with excitement.

"I was maybe thinking Brindy? I don't know anyone named Brindy but I think its the most beautiful name." Phoebe was stroking her stomach.

"I think thats perfect. What if its a boy?" Joey asked.

"Well I was going to leave that up to you, to be fair."

"Oh thanks Pheebs, how about... Addison?" Joey really liked that name.

"Oh my gosh, are you too cute. Thats a perfect name. Brindy or Addison will be so lucky to have a dad like you." Phoebe gave him another kiss.

"Phoebe Tribbiani?" A nurse called out from the other side of the room. Joey and Phoebe walked over to the nurse and followed her through the maze of the hospital to their ultrasound room. "Phoebe, you can lie down on the bed and Joey, you can sit in the chair at the end of the bed. Doctor Sayani will be in momentarily." The assistant left and Phoebe laid down while Joey sat at her feet.

"Joey, Im nervous but I'm also extremely excited. I mean theres another human inside me right now. How do you feel?" Phoebe looked down towards him.

"To be honest Pheebs, I'm nervous too, but only because this is something new. Im looking forward to raising this family with you. And I know you can do it because your the strongest women I know." Joey rubbed her ankles.

"Ahhh thanks hun, I love you so much. Also keep rubbing my ankles, they've been hurting recently hehe." Phoebe giggled while Joey grunted.

There was a knock on the door. "Hello Phoebe, and you must be Joey." The doctor came in and started prepping.

"Hello Dr. Sayani." Both Phoebe and Joey said.

"I am just going to be doing a routine check up to make sure the baby is okay, since this is your first appointment correct?"

Joey and Phoebe (A PB&J love story)Where stories live. Discover now