Chapter 3 - Holiday Party

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AN: Hey guys! Thanks for reading this far ;). I also forgot to mention one little thing about this fan fiction. If you haven't noticed Phoebe is by far my FAVVVV but you know (If you've seen the show friends) Phoebe is weird and has her funny beliefs. But I personally relate to phoebe and don't necessarily see her as weird, I see her as brave. So maybe thats why she's not translating as weird in this fan fiction. ANYAYS hope you enjoy this my chapter, I think its my fav chapter so far :)


Phoebe was getting ready in the bathroom. It was around 7:00am on December 25th. She went to put on her ugly Christmas sweater when she noticed she looked bloated. "Hey Joey, can you come here for a minute?"

Joey walked into their bedroom bathroom to see Phoebe in her bra. He slyly smiled and went to kiss Phoebe. "Oh special Christmas sex? Ok-" Joey was cut off by Phoebe.

"No Joey, I'm changing, not enticing you. Do I look fatter to you?" Phoebe asked sympathetically cupping her lower stomach.

Joey was thrown off by Phoebes sincerity because he knew how dangerous of a question this was. "No Pheebs, you look the same to me." Although deep inside, he noticed Phoebe, stomach was bulging. Then it hit him. "PHOEBE OH MY GOD."

"Stop yelling," Phoebe got irritated and plugged her ears. "What?!"

"You don't think you could be... pregnant?" Joey tried to ask as sincere as possible so Phoebe wouldn't yell at him.

"No, how could I be-OH MY GOD! It all makes sense." Suddenly Phoebe felt like she was going to pass out, she sat on the toilet and started recounting all her symptoms. "Throwing up, sore boobs, lifting heavy things and getting back pain, my snappy attitude... Joey I think I'm pregnant." Phoebe couldn't help but smile.

Joey stood there dumbfounded. Speechless. "Are you sure Pheebs? Let's go to the drug store around the corner and pick up a pregnancy test to be sure." Joey couldn't help but smile too, it happened so fast but he was excited and ready to be a father.

With this, they knew they would be a little late to Monica and Chandlers but they would understand considering the circumstances. They walked hand in hand to the drug store about 10 minutes away.

As soon as they got home Phoebe rushed into the bathroom quickly followed by Joey.

"Um hey, can I have a little privacy?" Phoebe chuckled as she noticed Joey came in the restroom with her.

"OH yeah, sorry I'm just so excited!" Joey couldn't help but bounce up and down a little.

"I know me too honey, I'll call you in when I'm done." Phoebe pushed Joey out the door.

About 1 minute later, Phoebe opened the door to Joey standing there unmoved from when she pushed him out.

"Well?" Joey asked.

"Not yet Joey, I literally just peed on the stick... We have to wait for the lines to pop up on the test."

Joey looked at the stick sitting on the counter. "Well you better clean that counter when your done." He said motioning to the test.

"Yeah no shit-oh my gosh it's time to check!" Phoebe got really nervous all of a sudden. "Joey, what if it's negative?"

"Oh Pheebs, it won't be, I promise. Check right now!" Joey pushed her towards the counter where the stick was sitting.

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