Chapter 3 - Holiday Party

Start from the beginning

"No you look!" She covered her eyes, picked up the stick and handed it to Joey.

"What makes you think I can look?!" Joey shoved the test back towards her.

"Oh I know, we will bring it to Monica and Chandlers and Rachel and Monica can tell me what it says!!!" Joey and Phoebe both liked this plan so they gathered the food and gifts they prepared and started walking towards their house. As son as they reached their lawn Phoebe turned to Joey and pulled out the stick from her sweater pocket.

"Ok, we are ridiculous, I'm going to check now." Phoebe looked down at the test.

Phoebe looked back up at Joey with a single tear starting to fall off her cheek, soon followed by many more.

"Ahh it's going to be okay Pheebs, we will try tonight after the party okay?"Joey pulled her into a hug.

Phoebe let Joey hold her for a minute before she whispered in his ear, "We are going to be parents."

Joey practically threw Phoebe out of his arms and dropped everything he was holding. Including food (shocking lol). "WHAT!" He couldn't contain his excitement and started jumping up and down. Soon Phoebe joined him.

Inside, Ross, Rachel, Emma, Moncia, Chandler, Jack and Erika were sitting on the floor gathered around the Christmas tree opening gifts in their sweaters and pajama pants.

Monica pulled Rachel aside while the guys and kids were opening gifts. "Don't you think it's rude how Phoebe and Joey are 15 minutes late? I mean they literally live 5 minutes away, don't you think they would have the decency to call?" Monica had fumes coming out of her head.

"Calm down honey, I'm sure it's nothing. Either they are having their annual Christmas morning sex or Joey couldn't leave the house without eating. You know them." Rachel laughed at what she said about the Tribbiani's but it was so true.

"Yeah I guess your right." The girls turned their attention back to their family's surrounding the Christmas tree.

"I guess that's all the presents kids" Ross told the twins and Emma.

"But there's 2 more under the tree dada!" Emma said to Ross with puppy eyes.

Oh sweetly, those are presents from our family to Uncle Joey and Aunt Pheebs, but they haven't gotten here yet. When they get here you can open your gifts from them." Chandler told Emma for Ross.

As the kids ran upstairs to play with their new toys, the adults friends moved to the couch. that's when they heard 2 people screaming outside their house. Monica turned around and opened the blinds too see Phoebe and Joey jumping up and down like bunnies on their lawn. 

"What do you think their so excited about?" Ross stared at them through the window with a confused look.

"I don't know but their asses will be sorry they're late." And with this Monica stormed through the front door outside towards the happy couple. The three sat inside watching from a distance not wanting to get involved with Monica's rage. And all of a sudden they saw Monica stop yelling at them, now hopping with them bringing them into a tight hug.

"We are missing out on something! I wanna go see!" Rachel ran outside quickly followed by Ross and Chandler. Monica turned around to face the other 3.

Joey and Phoebe (A PB&J love story)Where stories live. Discover now