Chapter Fourteen.

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The line went dead. I tried to call her back but there was no answer. Strange- I thought to myself. What I had learnt is that ever since that very moment, Chanel had started consuming alcohol like candy. It only occurred to me when she started missing school, I felt pretty alone without her.

Her parents tried everything, she was a broken girl. "I want to forget" she slurred and it was the only thing that came out of her mouth. She was never the same after then, I had lost my best friend in a way. Although Chanel wasn't dead, she sure as hell was close to it and it even resulted in Victor breaking up with her.

The whole of Derry High-school had caught wind on what was going on, many were calling her crazy others were a little more sympathetic but not much. I wasn't completely alone, I was still popular... or dare I say even more popular now that Chanel had dropped out of school. But it wasn't the same, Sheri Vander Wood was too annoying to hang around with all the time and Georgina Gatenshead had more faces than a clock. But still: I made do with what I could, and things returned to some sort of normalcy.

Although dare I mention, children were still disappearing day by day. The rain only slammed heavier each night and the air grew bitter with time. It was a miserable time for me, for hours on end I would stare out of my window. As the days went by I started to notice a red balloon floating above the towering trees that made up the forest. At first I had thought nothing of it; it must of been some kids messing around - I thought to myself.

But when it happened again, and again, and again... it was hard to ignore it. There was no source of these balloons, I had even figured out that they appeared about 6:20pm each night.

Being the stupid teenager I was, I wanted to investigate. This was too intriguing  to just let it happen, there must be some sort of explanation. So I left my house around 6:15pm, and as soon as I had gotten close to the forest the first red balloon would float. I could see no one, I could hear no one. The only thing that made up my vision was this blood red balloon, I walked towards it but the balloon had almost stepped back.

As I become closer and closer, the balloon and floating further and further back. What the hell was going on?- I thought to myself. Then my feet picked up speed and I finally grabbed the balloon by its string. "Still a child" I heard a voice cackle from the far right. I gasped and turned around sharply. "Who is there?" I asked, frowning.

"Don't frown my love" the strange voice replied again. My heart only raced faster. I had ran from the scene but I had re occurring nightmares ever since, some included Pennywise. Now I had fully encountered him as a young adult, I grow more suspicious to the fact that maybe it was him who turned Chanel crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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