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Girl: hey hotties

Jack: hey cutie. Lol.

Girl *giggles* ur hot

Jack: lol thanx I guess! Like ur pfp
(It was a pic of her I'm guessing)

Girl: *blushes* thanx. Are u the one on the pfp?

Jack: nope that's Seth.

Girl: put one of u

Jack: maybe after this one lol.

Girl: now and shirtless please.

Jack: I'm too lazy and besides we just put up the pfp today so I might change it to mine in a few days

Girl: aw please please please please I wanna see u

Jack: 0.0 go to the book dirty jokes its me on the cover

Girl: I want one shirtless of u PLEASE?

Jack: no damn

Girl: I will do anything

Jack: ur being creepy as fu k 0.o

(And I think he blocked her lmao)


Stay tuned for more

- Seth

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