Chapter 8:Rayanne

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The following morning, I shower, eat breakfast, then head to the bank. Yes. I am going to draw some money without my parents permission. Thank you for concluding.

I look for Ashley. Our friend.

"Ashley?" I ask the girl in front of me. She turns around and faces me. "Anne! What can I help you with?" She asks happily. "Well, I really want to buy something for Rachel and Jason for their wedding. But I don't have much cash. Can I withdraw?" I ask innocently. I know, I know. I shouldn't lie. But I'm not totally lying. I am gonna buy Rachel and Jason something. Probably in New York.

Ashley thinks about it. She considers it and does what she needs to do. "Ash?" I ask. "Yes?" "Please don't tell my parents. I want to, surprise them." I say with a pause. She nods like I've finally grown up and am doing something wonderful.

I guess I feel a little guilty. But I can't turn back now. The money is in my hands.

I thank Ashley and get into my car. I put the money in my wallet and drive home. You may be thinking that having a credit card is easier. And actually, it is. I just don't have one. And "borrowing" from Rachel or my mom would be too obvious. Even though Rachel probably knows what I'm doing.

I head up to my room and start packing.

When I'm done, I go onto my laptop and start booking. I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble. Oh, well. I'm stubborn and a hothead. I'm tired of being cooped up in L.A. And no one's gonna stop me.

After a few hours of planning and such, I head downstairs for lunch. Ryan already beat me. He's stuffing mountains of food in his mouth.

"Where have you been?" He asks with a full mouth. "Didn't mom and dad teach you not to talk with your mouth full? I thought a fourteen year old boy should know that by now." I say teasingly. He swallows and laughs. "Someone's in a good mood. And I like her that way." He smiles at me. I give a small smile back.

I'll miss him. He's one of my best friends. I don't know what I'd do without Ryan. I ruffle up his hair and sit down beside him. I pray for my food then eat. Afterwards, Ryan invites me for a swim. I accept and we swim for the rest of the afternoon. Thankfully, the sun wasn't out.

Some people with my complexion want to get tanned, others don't. And I'm part of the latter. I don't like getting darker. We swim and play until everyone gets home. We do our normal routine.

I'm leaving at 12:00pm. My flight is at 1:30am. Everyone'll be asleep by that time. Hopefully.

After dinner, we have our family talk and prayer, then we head upstairs to sleep. I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling, thinking of what I'm about to do. I'm sorry Lord. I say. I just can't bear it anymore. People keep talking behind my back with painful comments. And all because of this. Because I can't travel without adults. Even my closest friends are block mailing me. Especially after they went to New York. It hurts. A lot.

I drift off into sleep. My alarm under my pillow rings telling me it's 12:00am. I get up. I'll be staying in New York for five days. At least, that's my plan. I grab my duffle bag and and my sling bag and open my door quietly. Pansy's still sleeping. Good. I creep down the stairs and out the back door.

I look up at our house. "Goodbye. I'm sorry Rachel." I whisper.

I get my phone and call a taxi. If I get my car out, I'll have two problems. One, someone might hear me and wake up. Two, no one will drive the car back home once I'm in.

The cab comes in a few minutes and I hop in. "LAX airport please." I say politely. The driver nods and drives. I'm on my way to New York. No turning back now. I'm sorry Lord. But I just have to do this.

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