Rainy Day Walk

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Will held his pants up as the rushing stream of water cascaded over his feet soaking his shoes and socks. He growled in annoyance, baring his sharp teeth as he continued to trot home in the rain. His car had broken down a mile from his house and his phone was dead. Suddenly like a knight in shining armour, a dirty red pickup truck stopped beside him. The window rolled down revealing the owner, it was Henry, Will's best and only friend. The man chuckled at his friend's situation. "Looks like someone got a little wet",he joked, "Need a ride?", he inquired. Will nodded, knowing if he opened his mouth all that would come out would be a string of profanities. He climbed in the truck, a towel immediately being handed to him. The truck smelled of wet dog, but that was probably just Will's hair. His nature made him more animal than human, despite this he was a very sophisticated man. Henry was a gruff looking, yet good hearted man. He cared for his daughter as a single father and had to look after Will as well, though he didn't mind much. Henry cared about Will and wanted to make sure that he actually took care of himself, something he frequently forgot to do. Will dried his hair with the towel, causing it to become messy and fluffy, like an angry kitten. He growled at the look of his hair, then began trying to coax it into laying flat, to no avail. Henry chuckled, seeing his friend's struggle out of the corner of his eye. Will glared at Henry, his baby blue eyes boring into the brunet's skull. Henry simply ruffled Will's hair, messing it up more. "Leave it that way", he laughed, "I think it's cute". Will looked down, his tan cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "If you say so", Will mumbled, in a nearly inaudible voice. If there was one thing Henry could do better than anyone else, it was fluster Will, and boy was he good at it. Will found that he just couldn't help but get flustered and turn red whenever Henry remarked positively on his appearance, something that really struck him as odd as he hated the way he looked. Will was much more well kempt than Henry, but he was still overweight and on the short side. His hair refused to sit flat no matter what he tried and his skin was prone to irritation, causing him to have rashes constantly. Despite his faults however, Henry was always quick to compliment him when he saw fit, which was almost every day. Will's favorite of these compliments was when Henry said he looked cute, it always seemed to brighten his day, no matter how flustered it made him in the moment. The truck pulled in front of Will's house, it was time for him to get out. Henry offered to walk him inside, but Will politely declined, he did however accept the towel he had used to dry his hair as a means of covering himself until he got inside. Henry sat in his truck as he watched Will get out and run to his front door, unlock it, and go inside. Henry felt a stirring in his chest as he laughed quietly, Will always made him feel this way. He always made him feel like he'd just run marathon, his heart was racing, but damn was it a hell of a feeling. Henry leaned on the steering wheel, lost in thought until he accidently set off the horn. He snapped back to reality and drove off home. Away from Will..... At least until tomorrow.

William X Henry oneshots (Fnaf)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin