Something to me

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Have you ever felt so worthless in your entire life? Like you can't do anything right, no matter how much you Try?

I know that feeling.
I know it well.
When you feel like giving up but your too scared to do anything. That's how I feel. When you are excluded from your group of friends, that's how I feel.
When your mother is targeting you and is pushing you to the edge.
And you know she only want the best for you, yet you feel like it's too much.

When you get compared to your best friend (since diapers) who has a 4.5 GPA. And you can only get a 4.0 cause you can't reach that.

When you get criticized for not passing a class when you try so hard to prove yourself. When you smile, but on the inside your dying.

When you want to hurt yourself, but you get scared and hide.

The reason why, adults who are listing in, is because us teenagers are hurt. We try are very best to prove ourselves to you, but you only hurt us instead.

I know it's not for all people, but it's for most of us. Can't you see that we are dying inside?

We know you want the best for us, but it feels like you are driving us crazy.

That is the reason why we are on our phones or listing to music or reading. We want to have an escape from reality.

We want to be free from this cruel world and dive into our own.

We aren't disrepectful, we just want to be left alone.

I know this is stupid coming from a 15 year old, but I'm only stating my opinion.

I hope that you enjoy this message I guess, and I hope to talk to you all later. When I get my shit together.

I love you guys.


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