Untitled Part 48

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I hate him! He locked me away from  the world and treated me coldly. We weren't father  and daughter anymore...

We are cats and dogs below  one roof. He doesn't show me any affection that a father is expected to give to his daughter.

And I hate him for that, a stupid retired general who treats me like a private in his battalion.

His heart us si strong, even my tears cannot move him...he is not human, and I hate him for that!

I walked to his room one day and showed him my report card, because I know I did a good job this semester.

But when I  entered, he dropped his stare on me, from head to toe, and removed his eyeglasses.

"Get out, I want to rest."

Was his cold greeting, and I felt crushed, there was a deep pain in my chest but I stood by it. 

I almost crumpled my report card.

"I hate you! Ever since mom died, you have hated me for being her memory. You didn't love me dad, you didn't! I hope you die!" (WOW there girly taking ti to far!)

...those were my words as I banged the door.  And opened the door to my room was the  last thing I remembered. (Sh*it went down!)

And I fell down...



I opened my eyes...

'I hate him!'

...Was the very first thought that crossed my mind. But everything seemed paralyzed, and the painful feeling in my chest was still there.

'I hate him!'

'I hate him!'

'Did he die?'

..Was the second question in my mind. Ans I saw my doctor one in, an unfamiliar face....

And he explained to me that I had a  heart attack (KARMA IS A B*TCH AIN"T IT?!)   I attempted to move, but I can't. I was operated on and had a heart transplant

'Is he happy now, now that I'm hurt and dying? I really wish him dead!'

...This was my thrive thought about my father. And the doctor than gave my a envelope with a military seal on it.

The words read....

"Deyna, take my heart. I have made it strong for you. Every time it beats, always remember that God answers your wishes uniquely."

I almost died crying.....

God really answered me when I hoped my father to die....

Daddy died for me....

"I love you, dad."

I tearfully whispered



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