Nathan grabs my phone and taps on mum's unread messages, I didn't want to know what she had to say about anything.

A low growl that vibrates from his huge frame startling Sam from his rapture at Pop and Flea's adventure.

"What is it?" he whispers, alert.

"Mum," I drop my head on Nat's shoulder, wondering what Noah is doing and thinking about the hospital bed.

"OHhhhh," his face falls into a distasteful cast.

Nathan eyes him, "You've met our egg donor?"

Sam shrugs, "Av tried to gift me to her but she rejected me. Damn."

Nat's body stills for a moment before he chuckles and I know that Sam had just made it past another of Nat's shells, probably the first person to do so in a long time. Good job. Sammie bear, I silently cheer.

"What the fukk..." Nathan growls again.

"Do I want to know?" I sigh. Sam peers over the phone and repeats Nat's expletive.

"There is no excuse to get out of our deal." Nat read the text softly in my mum's voice. "One night at Seth's per week is non-negotiable. Unless of course, you are pregnant already..."

"Pregnant?" I repeat, shudders running through my body as memories of the size of quidditch babies filter through my brain like a mini-movie. Suddenly the hospital scene seems to have a scary ending tinge.

"Nice," Sam says dryly.

"Give it here," I hold out my hand.

I press some letters, not in the mood. "Yup, you forgot that blind, deformed men with no hands still have workings penii." I type, not interested. Nat's body radiates with hate when he reads it and he almost crushes my hand as he snatches the phone.

"Penii?" Cackles Sam.

"Well, octopus, octopi," I shrug.

"Dude," Sam shakes his head. " That's words ending in 'us'."

"Fine," I grab the phone the phone and change it. Nat asks for it back with a hand movement.

"No," I say lowly, glancing around. I know what he wants to do. "She doesn't know you're here! We could... surprise her!" I waggle my eyebrows at him and the fire in his eyes turns from deadly to just plain cold. "And then we can stay at Seth's afterward and maybe head out for some scouting."

"Maybe Frank would like to surprise her too," he laughs evilly.

"Oh God, let me watch please," Sammie rubs his hands together.

"Only if you help us, do you know what," I say behind Nat's back. "I can't dig and we need an extra gravedigger."

"My dreams come true," Sam huffs. "Getting asked to be the extra gravedigger, great, awesome." He rolls his eyes at us. "Yes. Fine. Nothing else to do in the middle of the night."

"Why in the middle of the night?" Nathan asks him.

Sam just stares at him. "You're joking, right?"

We both stay silent. Both of us thinking... I bet...that sometimes doing things in plain sight is way easier. But which would be the better to get it done? Darkness? Is there security at cemeteries? Would we need to dress as security? who digs up graves anyway? Hurry up Del!

"Right?" Sam prompts us again. "There are tons of people visiting during the day!"

He stares again, not knowing we are thinking it through. Trying to visualise what we have never seen.

"Argh, fine!" he folds down on himself. "Whatever, whenever, I'm in."

Two grins aim in his direction. He colours and grabs his cordial.

My phone beeps and we all look to see if its mum that has responded. Noah. I smile automatically.

How are you, Thornie? What are you up to?

Just planning to dig up 3 bodies from the cemetery and rehome them, probably in your car.

There's no immediate reply.

Nathan smirks.

Sam's phone beeps, he reads it and turns to me. "Seth is worried about you, says you haven't answered any of his texts."

"Tell him to expect my illustrious company tomorrow night, and maybe gives Sue a heads up to do a Naked Chef show." I raise my eyebrow at my brother who grins broadly and nods.

"I've got one," D pipes up, and we jerk as we realise Pop and Flea had finished there break.

"What is it?" Nathans asks.

"For Sam to run across Frank's paddock," she replies, "naked."

"Woooooooooo," everyone cheers at D's first task for Sam, except of course Sam and me. Sam because he's copped an eyeful of my big baby and me because I know old Frankie.

"We do it now," Nat stands up, he turns to Sam and jerks him to his feet. I hear him whisper. "He's off a fair way, you'll make it. Whatever you do, don't. look. back."

We all follow him to the paddock gate, D striding next to Chops looks ill. Another one to have maybe have let words out on their own accord. Jaime and Wade had their cameras out, Pop was biting his lip and turned to me with eyes that pretty much said if he gets to close get in there. I would but...

"Hey Sam," I say to his naked butt, "can I take a pic of your penii to send to Mum?"

AUTHOR NOTE - sorry for wait, trying to write more regularly now... just getting prepared in this chapter for a few things that happen down the track :D

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