Nathan shifts in his seat, I know he's hoping Black Jo stories might emerge with new twists now that Flea was here in the flesh.

"What?" Tina gasps. "You changed your names and ages? Isn't that illegal?"

"Yup," Pop smiled proudly. "Illegal dallies seem to run in my family if you haven't noticed." He stares straight at Nat and I... and then the story began how Pop and Flea weren't allowed in so they stole two dead blokes name and age and shot off to the city, they both end up becoming very high up in the ranks. I've heard the stories many times so my mind starts to devise ways to get Harry's family members back here. I flick a glance back at him, his body portraying something I had seen before; discomfort, regret and uncertainty.

I get up and move closer to him, "Hey, Haz? Want to help me grab some more drinks?"

After blinking for a second he nods gratefully.

I walk silently beside him. He makes it until we pull some more cold water out of the fridge and watch the cordial swirl around in the jugs in funny little clouds. We rarely had cordial at the station, Daryl said it was because of our teeth but I think it was from the one time I poured it in the water and loved the cold clouds it made, I end up using bottle after bottle on different liquids to see what it would do. Turns out no one was impressed with Frutti tutti or lime flavoured beer. Men. I grab a few unaccosted beers and set them out on the counter.

Harry stops and studies a framed picture of his wife. "It just came over me like a wave," he starts, raising a finger to stroke their faces. "The thought that... that... that," He sucks in another breath, "that out there is how it would have been. Could have been. Our kids, their kids, everyone enjoying this place. Having fun. Stories. I - I don't know how all that came out," he trails off, seeming more vulnerable than I had ever seen him; an old man that hadn't heard the words a lot of people take for granted for so long.

"Harry," I move to stand in front of him and raise my arms to perch my hands on his shoulders. I grip him hard. "You are family. Everything about you matters, everything you think matters, you hurt, I hurt... all because I love you."

The shudder passes under my hands then and tears slide down his face as he creases his eyes shut. After a moment he wipes at them and smiles. "I never thought I would hear that again," his voice is barely audible. "Convinced myself I didn't need to."

"That's grumpy old man stuff," I give him a light punch to lighten the mood. " And you, my friend are now not a grumpy old man, you can thank me later "I wink at him, "Hold on, you aren't unless you've shot kid's ear off in the last week?" I chuckle thinking of it. "Which you better not have because I would not have wanted to miss that."

"I'll let you know when it's on the agenda, kiddo," he makes a move to the beers and jugs and we head outside, him looking lighter and more secure and me feeling way more purposeful to get his family here.

Nathan's eyes swing toward me and then assess Harry, he smiles lazily and relaxes back into listening to Flea who is in full flight story mode.

After passing the jugs around I retake my position next to Nathan and lean happily into his side, his warmth feeling good on my side, waiting a minute to make sure we had heard this particular part of the story before I whisper through the side of my mouth, "Do you think movies might help?"

"Del?" he nods, one side of his lips tugging upwards.

I pull out my phone and moan as I catch sight of the numerous messages that I have ignored over the last couple of days. I text Del asking what movies would give us some good info on graverobbing, exhumation and discreet movement of coffins.

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