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Thor Odinson.

The god of strength, fertility, oak trees, and thunder. He was the son of Odin and the protector of his own. Equipped with a hammer, iron gloves, and a belt, Thor was rumored as one of the strongest, most recognized gods.

In the Viking Age, Norse Mythology bloomed. People praised Thor in all of his greatness, lynching those brave enough to disagree. They begged him for calm waters and pleasant weather. Among others, he was worshipped.

Shortly before the end of the Vikings, The God of Thunder supervised those who believed in him. He stood on the outside, looking in. Thor brought water and life to the people. He calmed the seas before fleets sailed out; the god promoted the expansion, for Norse faiths expanded with the land. Overall, he watched their faces as they praised his existence. It only made him stronger.

In this story, Earth became his home. He fell in love with the animals, the terrain, the people, and the mortality.

The god scavenged for food and built his throne in the Scandinavian woods. He built a cabin from the ground up with only Mjollnir, his hammer. From there he could watch the villagers, traveling when needed. He brought life to all Vikings around the world, yet he still refused to make contact with the humans.

Thor went years undiscovered. Lines of oak trees symbolized his existence, yet protected him from view. He hid in the woods and aided from afar, killing creatures that threatened his people. Serpents, wolves, and bears fell at the strike of his hammer. He would do anything for his people. They would do anything for him?

However, it was inevitable that he be discovered.

Let it be Loki who found him. A trickster. The only male Viking to choose tricks, reading, and magick over raids and sailing.

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