13. Jealous! Jiren x reader

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This one shot is inspired by this scene. Imagine the guy as Jiren and the girl as you.

Other says that rain is a bad omen. I say otherwise. Sure rain can cause flood but without it we would die. The rain feeds the plants and the plants feeds us.

     Speaking of rain, today forecast says  it was going to rain tonight! I squealed in delight and envisioned myself reading a good book with a hot chocolate in my hands. But instead I am meeting with Dyspo in a coffee shop that looks more like a bar, he usually works here on his free time. I don't know why he wanted to meet me, maybe he wants to confess his love to me.

   I mean, he is always so bashful around me and stutters like an idiot while to other he is a confident jackass.

      What a shame, I don't return the feelings back. You may think I'm an asshole for saying this, but I am being honest here. Although I wished though. Unfortunately, my heart was stolen by a bigger jackass named Jiren. How the hell did I fell for him? I mean, he is solemn, demeanor and aloof,  an opposite of what every girls wants. Though there was a theory that chicks digs bad boys, maybe I am one of them!

      What's even worse is that he doesn't return the feeling! He never a bat an eye at me for a second and never speak to me unless it's the last resort. He always looks at me like I was a conundrum and.... oh wait, I forgot, I was suppose to talk about myself going to meet Dyspo, not rambling about Jiren, my apologies.

      I mounted a black rain coat over me and pushed my feet inside a black combat boots. I wielded an umbrella and swiftly exited my house.

  I purposely took my time walking through the rain to enjoy its presence, like it was a friend. I let the water dominate me as it baptized me as if it was washing away my sins. In seconds.. err minutes, I felt like a newborn again.

     I snapped to my senses and whirled around and glanced at all direction. I peered down at my watch, 20 minutes! Holy shit!

When I took my first step, I tripped on my own feet. I wasted no time and pushed myself up and scurried through the streets to the subway.

  After I departed from the subway, I ran into an angry mob of people. I zipped through the crowed, pushing and shoving them, spouting out, "Excuse me! I'm sorry!"

I collided with the door and bursted it open. Dyspo who was behind the table cleaning it with a towel, flinched.

I hustled to the table and took my seat. I placed the umbrella on the table and placed my neatly folded hands in front of me.

"I'm sorry for being late," I panted.

"Hmph, took you long enough," Dyspo smirked and folded his arms.

Heat radiated my cheeks, Dyspo looked. .. handsome. I mean can you blame me? He is wearing a white button up shirt with a black vest on top and he had a smell of cologne. Did I mention that some of the buttons were unbuttoned flaunting off his collar bone.

Am I sure if he is really working at a coffee shop and he is not bartender? His looks would be great if he was a ba- wait, this contradicts  what I said earlier, but screw it. For God's sake, this is a first person narrative, I can lie to you. I lied so I can appeal to the horny Jiren's fangirls because you wouldn't be pleased If I said I had feelings for Dyspo. But get over it, I like Dyspo, he's cute, but not as much as Jiren.

Anyways, continuing on,

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"W-well," Dyspo veered his eyes away as a tint of blush appeared.

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