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Entry Number 1

My name is Evanna Evascent and I'm trying to become a journalist. So I'm writing my first entry. It is currently 7:45 in the morning and I'm on the bus to school.

I need to write down what I ate, wore, and how I felt in one day for my doctors checkup in a month.

Today I ate Toast with Blueberry jelly and chocolate almond milk. I bet if someone were to read this they'd think "Why isn't she having avocado toast?" or something along those lines. Well I'm poor and fancy basic bitches are the only ones that can afford avocados for their precious toast. Anyway today, what am I wearing? Glad no one asked.

Okay I have my black beanie on, my classic my chemical romance shirt, black skull leggings (the ones that aren't see through), black combat boots, a million piercings, awesome hair, and zero self esteem...I seem ready for the day.

That's enough for now anyway. Back to reality. Ugh.

8:00am Slaughter Highschool.
Third person reality p.o.v in affect.

Evanna got off the bus with her earphones blasting music so no one will bother her or talk to her. Not that many are tempted to anyway. The black makeup, piercings, and electric blue hair color really repel most people, which Evanna had no problem with. Although, she did have one issue that was bugging her like crazy. Which is, she's an angsty emo lesbian, that is in love with one of the most popular and hottest girls in school. Casey Mullingar. She isn't like the basic bitches and fuck boys she hangs out with calling them her "friends". She's sweet, calm, kind, nurturing, absolutely gorgeous, and just pure. This alone strikes Evanna's heart like Cupids arrow.

8:40am 1st person Perspective.

Entry Number 1 Part 2

I Evanna Evascent, am in love with another girl. The sight of her creates this burning sensation in my chest and this brush of feelings and emotions to boil inside me. Her sweet pasture-colored eyes, her chestnut hair, that glowing pale skin of hers, the tall figure she stands with...They make me weak. My knees just give in and I fall deeper and deeper in love with her everyday. She must be a demon from hell because there's no way heaven could handle someone as good looking as her. She may be the nicest most beautiful demon there is.

Entry Number One Complete.

A small message from your author, Blu.
I hope you all are enjoying the story! I finally finished chapter one and will start working on the second chapter as soon as I can!
I'm also planning to work on a drawing for the cover.
I will ask though...in the comments I beg of you to write some constructive criticism to help me improve my writing.

Two Truths and A Lie (G×G)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя