Twenty One - "I'm yours."

Start from the beginning

"The clown when it turned into me, you stabbed me in the eye."

"Oh yeah... sorry about that."

"You faced your fear L, don't be sorry." His body leaned in closer to hers and his voice dropped to a whisper, "But just so you know, you don't have to be scared of losing me. I'm yours."

And with that the once germaphobic shy boy looped his fingers through hers so their hands become one hand intertwined.

"T-Tell us about your dream Bev." Bill placed a hand over hers, "You don't have to be s-s-scared."

"I can only remember parts... I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like." She told them, "I saw us, all of us, together back in the sistern, but we were older, like our parents ages."

"W-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked

"I just remember how we felt, how scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that."

With a look on his face of determination, Bill picked up a shard of glass from the ground and stood to his feet, his eyes stared between each and every one of his friends.

"Swear it. Swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back too."

One by one the losers stood, none of them even had to speak to know that everyone agreed. They were bonded by both love and soon enough blood, from there there was never going to be any way back.

Without even a look of pain, bill cut his hand with the glass before taking a step towards Richie, cutting his hand too. The boy winced and soon enough it was Eddie's turn, Bill cut his hand and before he even had the chance to whimper Lyds was beside him, nursing him through the pain.

Bill and Lyds shared one last look together. They'd felt the same pain and the same loss, and suddenly in that one look, as he cut into her hand and she made a promise they knew they were bonded for life. Not only with the rest of the losers but to each other too, their bond was stronger than their friends, it was unexplainable and incomprehensible but they both understood that, even if their friends never did.

Eventually everyone, in blood, had sworn their promise, and slowly they each grasped onto one another's hands. Cementing their unbreakable bond.

Bill to Bev, Ben to Stan, Lyds to Eddie, and Richie to Mike. They were one.

Until suddenly they weren't.

Bev was leaving and one by one so did everyone else.

"I gotta go." Stan spoke up, his hands fell from Lyds' and Mike's, and his eyes fell on Bill, "I hate you."

Bill hung his had in shame until suddenly Stan was smiling and so was everyone around him

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Bill hung his had in shame until suddenly Stan was smiling and so was everyone around him.

"I'll see you later..."

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now