Heat of the Fireplace

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The fireplace in the corner of the dim room crackled and lit up the living room in a calming manner. The windows were dark from the cold outside world even if it weren't the late hours. It was just the dark days that winter always brought upon us every year. The lesser days in light makes us people quite gloomy. But I've always enjoyed a little bit of sadness.

In another corner I sit on the couch. Wrapped in a nice blanket, warming up to the clicking of the firewood burning.

I get bored after a while and decides to sit in front of the fireplace, bringing a pillow to save my butt from the uncomfortable floor.

Heat and orange light emitting from the fireplace hits my face and I feel my eyes getting a little dry. The air is warm and dry but it's not uncomfortable to take in.

I loosen the blanket around me and let it fall down my shoulders, resting around my hips. Bringing my hands closer to the glass cage containing the wild flames, I stop to hold them in front of it, occasionally rubbing them to even out the warmth.

The flames are enchanting, dancing from the logs to disappear and appear again with new routines.


One of the logs fell over, sending a small wave of heat that hits my face. Realizing the need to blink, I do so, feeling the sensation of my cool eyelids fall over my heated eyes.

Here I may sit for as long as I wish.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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