Late Night Stroll

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I once took a walk with a friend of mine on a late November night. The darkness had fallen long before we even decided to go.

It was calm, as you would expect from such a small town in the middle of nowhere. There were no cars driving past us on the main road, no other people out for a stroll, well it was Saturday after all.

Rain and snow fell three times during the time and the air got colder with each passing hour, but never once did we bother.

None of the snow ever covered the ground. It slowly fell from the unseen only quickly disappear on impact to end up making the nature wet or to fall in our hair, reflecting like tiny diamonds under each passing streetlight.

The gravel crunched under our every step and echoed into the dark, never to be heard of by anyone else than us.


This was based on a late night stroll with my friend @InaJS that we took yesterday. We were out from 22.20 until like 23.45. It was really nice to get some fresh air (I rarely go outside unless I'm going to school TwT), I recommend it if you want to feel a little bit better. 

Vibes.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن