Comincia dall'inizio

"Hi...I'm um April." I say shyly. I mentally cursed at myself for sounding so small and childlike. He smiled softly at me.

"Aw like the month?" I nodded my head. "It's suits you very well April." He says kindly.

"April is one of my very trusted employees at Birdiebee. Without her these past months, I don't know how I would of kept my sanity. Also may I add she makes one hell of a cup of coffee." Nicole says proudly while placing a hand on my lower back.

"I like you already April. Nicole and I have been great friends for a while. It's nice to see that she trusts someone very responsible." He then pauses and says, "Oh I forgot to introduce myself! I am Colby, one half of the owner of Desire and my boyfriend...if I could only find him."

"His boyfriend who is hot, sexy, brilliant, and quite the crowd pleaser." A deep voice says from behind. Out appears probably the most good looking guy I had ever seen. His hair was a little bit longer than Colby and jet black. He was well tall and built like some type of god. He had this relax vibe radiating off of him. The man wrapped his arms around Colby's waist and brought him closer to him. He leaned his head on Colby's shoulder as he looked at both Nicole and I.

"Yes, yes, yes, and don't flatter yourself. April this is my boyfriend Joe." Holy fuck this guy got lucky with this Greek god.

"Hello April." Joe greets politely. All I could do is smile back at him not fully trusting myself to speak.

Colby looks around the small lobby, "I think everyone is ready to get this meeting started. Ready ladies?"

"Hell yeah we are." Nicole says.

"Greet!" Colby then cupped his hands around his mouth, "Can I get everyone's attention? We will be starting the meeting at this moment, please make your way towards the meeting room! Thank you."

Nicole slips her hand from my back and into my hand once again. "Let us go." She says while leading me to the room.

I feel intimidated. There was all these professional business people around one big table that was set up. I looked like a pre teen that Nicole was stuck to babysit.

"First off, thank you all for coming. It means a lot to both us at Desire and the owner at Birdiebee." He pauses and then looks around the room as if he was trying to think of something that was difficult. "I got a story to tell so I ask you all if you could please do me a favor and listen to this story."

The room was quiet where you could hear a penny drop. I felt Nicole snake her hand under the table and wraps her hand around mine.

"I was raised in a bad environment. My father was part of a ruthless gang and in this gang, when the members children come to age, they must be part of this gang. I've always knew that being a part of this gang was not right. What these leaders were doing weren't right. I didn't want to do half of the things I was forced to do. I knew I wasn't a bad person but doing these things made me a terrible. I was in a tough spot. It was like I was stuck in a glass box that was slowly filling it water," he paused and his eyes lock with Nicole. "Then one day, one of the leader's children brought this girl who looked like she was out of some fairy tail. That girl was Nicole. Now she wasn't apart of this gang but I did see her often since she was great friends with the future leader. She spoke to me like I was equal. She wasn't bother that I was forced to do terrible things. She understood where I was going through. She brought me hope and would tell me that none of this wasn't my fault. I want to take this time to thank her for saving a part of me. She gave me hope and a source of fight. She helped me in ways where I don't think that I can ever repay her back."

mommy's little girl [a.m] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora