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I have been working for Nicole for the past two weeks and I'm going to admit that I liked working for her. Sure the work does get exhausting and annoying but to see the relief on Nicole's face when I tell her I finished with everything I had to do, is totally worth it.

I have noticed something though, no one called Nicole by her first name. It is always Ms. Garcia, weird because she told me I can call her by her first name. I shook that thought away as I walked down the hall to the lounge room that was on the fifth floor. It was my daily coffee run for Nicole. I didn't mind, it gave me a chance to be absorbed by my thoughts.

My eyes quickly caught sight of a plate full of colorful decorate cookies set up on a table. They had flower designs and were pretty and pink. I grabbed one and started nibbling on it while I got Nicole coffee.

I suddenly felt someone bump me almost making me drop my cookie, "Oh I'm sorry." I turned around to find a man with bleach blonde hair tucked into a ponytail and a kind smile.

I smiled softly at him, "Its okay."

He stared at me and pointed a finger at me, "Are you new here?"

"I just started two weeks ago."

"I'm Nick." He says offering his hand to shake.

I placed my small one in his, "April."

"Like the month?"



"Its quite a common name, I mean if you go to one of those stands that sell key chains with names on it, I'm 85% sure that you will find the name April on it." I was feeling quite shy and self conscious. I mean yeah he was a pretty good looking guy but I'm just a natural shy girl by heart.

I picked up the steaming cup of coffee and started to walk out of the lounge, "It was nice meeting you, now I must go take this to Nicole."

Before I can walk away in peace, Nick follows me out of the room. "Why do you need to take that to Ms. Garcia?"

"Um because she's my boss and she wants coffee."

"She can always go get her own damn coffee."

"Its kinda my daily thing to go get her coffee." I say awkwardly.

mommy's little girl [a.m] Where stories live. Discover now