Chapter 14

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SPENDING TIME WITH YOURSELF ALONE IS HEALING. Sometimes, we have to stop seeing only the negative parts of being alone. We should learn to appreciate the peace and solitude of being alone. We have to realize that being alone is a time we dedicate to ourselves, to explore and grow by ourselves no matter how long or short that time is.

It's Sunday and I've got my paycheck from Mrs. Adachi yesterday.  I've finished her staircases. There's no reason for me to go there anymore unless... Yuto.

But I dedicate today to myself. I got my backpack and the black scarf of Yuto around my neck, I got my canvas and my paints and brushes. I'm exploring.

But as I walked around the streets, I realized how dead the trees are because of winter. I stopped to sit on one of the benches along the long pathway. I brought out hotpacks and sat there, observing people passing by.

Inspiration is dead. Everyone only looked so cold. Maybe I should change location. But before that, I went to buy food and ate alone on the bench, ignoring passerbys who would give me a look.

It's especially cloudy today. The sun won't even come out. It doesn't help that it's almost four pm. I slept in and hunted buyers for my paintings earlier.

Carrying everything with me, I went to the marketplace instead. I couldn't believe I was shopping instead of painting. I spotted a vendor selling paintings and checked them out.

"Ahgassi, are you a painter?" the old man asked.

I smiled and nodded proudly. "Yes," I replied. "Do you paint these, ahjussi?"

"Yes," he said. "But the sales aren't good. People barely glance at my art. You're still young, kid. I'm just telling you, there is no money in painting."

The old man is pretty talented. His paintings were made of spray paints, not brushes but the details were good. "Thanks," I said. "But I don't paint to get rich. I paint because I love it."

He looked embarrassed and I almost felt bad. "I'll take this one." I said, pointing at the one with the huge, bright sun setting in the horizons of the ocean, a little covered by the silhouettes of the palm trees. "I like the calmness of the image." I told him.

"Thank you." He said, still a bit embarrassed but smiling as he rolled the painting.

"A bit of advice, ahjussi, paint because you love itㅡmaybe if people saw passion on your work, they might just buy it."

"I've been alive longer than you are, kid. Passion fades away when you have bigger responsibilities in life, such as earning money."

I took the painting I bought and showed it to him. "When did you paint this?" I asked.

Although confused, he answered me, "My last vacation with my family. I was watching the sunset with my wife." He sighed. "It's been a long time."

I tapped the painting. "See? Among all these paintings, this one made me feel  something the most. Don't lose your passion because of how hard life is." I bowed and smiled. "Then, I'll be going."

He was speechless.

I was walking away when someone caught up to me. "Weren't you being a little mean?" Yanan asked.

"No, I think she made a fair point." Changgu said.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, too surprised to see them unplanned.

"It's a small world, Chan Chan. Yanan is helping me find a new guitar." Changgu answered.

"And then we saw and heard you talking to that man." Yanan added.

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