"June!You are my daughter, please open up to me! What happened to you? What did he do to you?"

I shook my head and
I stared at her with disbelief.
"He did not do anything. Stop talking about him in such a negative way."

Next things she does,
is pulling my chin up roughly.
She observes me and her fingers dissapear in my skin, scratching.
"You fell in love with him."

Her grip is strong and I let her be.
Her emotions are running free and she deserves to let it all out,
even if it is on me.
"Atleast that is what you think,"
she says and spits the words out.

"Mother, stop this!"
I try to break free but she holds me tightly and I stay put.
Deep, loud breaths escape her body and the anger radiating of her small body.

"He brainwashed you! My only daughter gone like that. He needs to be punished,"
she lets me go and she rushes out of the room, pushing the door so hard open it collides with the wall. That results as a lood boom echoing throught the room.

Hearing her run down the stairs,
I frown my eyebrows thinking of what just happened.
My mirror shows me how
hard she damaged my skin and
I am shocked by her previous

"Yes, that is right.
We have to lock him up."
I hear downstairs.

As a reaction I jump up
and follow her footsteps downstairs.
To be met by her angry voice speaking to the phone.
Her eyes spot me and she walks away from me but I follow her nevertheless.

Mother opens the door outside
and she steps in the warm atmosphere of outside.
Mimicking her actions
I too arrive outside.

"Yeah, she is not herself anymore."

I rush to her and my body takes over,
the first thing I do is trying to take the phone away from her.

I never thought I would say this but the moment has arrived;
my mother has become my enemy.

"Mom, stop that! I am right here, you talk as if I am in a different place!"
I argue but she pays no attention to me and continues her conversation.
I grow extremely frustrated and
I keep taking the thing out of her hand.

"Darling, stop that!"

"Stop calling me darling! Bloody hell!"
I scream and that is when her border has been passed.
With big brown eyes she stares at me and I look ashamed away.
"This is it. I am done with your behaviour, ever since you came back you have been different."

I groan and roll with my eyes,
"You can not blame me, now can you?"

She hangs the phone up after saying she would talk with me and call them back.
Her face is flushed out of anger.
"No you are right, but I thought you would be filled with joy, because you are back."

Her eyes look away from mine
and I feel myself a crumbling under her sadness.
"I am glad to be back, but it is just..
well I am, but....yeah."
I try but I do not know how to answer, because I am honest when I say I do not want to lie to her.

"He did something with you,
he robbed me from my only happiness and for what?
He took my daughter to bring her back in such a state. He needs to be put in jail, June."

I shake my head violently,
protesting against her.
She shoots me a questioning look.
"Please! Mother! Let him go, do not punish him nor try to find him."

She shakes her head too,
her eyes holding a sad glow.
She smiles a bit and takes my hands in hers for the second time.
"We have to."

Her whispers echoes through my skull, between my ears and
I feal tears welling up in my eyes.

"No mother!,"
I cry out and I plead her,
I do everything to save him.

She lets my body standing in the backyard of out home in California,
leaving me deserted in my own mind.
I cry out, pulling at my hair like mad one, because I became one.

My tears streaming down my face and falling on the cold ground.
Splashing and exploding when the two of them meet.


Thoughts about this one? What do you think of my new cover, the lovely nonidentity made it!
Thanks again for reading my story and feel free to mention mistakes.
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CAROLINA // HSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora