A New Dawning

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I opened my eyes to see everything was still white. My hearing was like everything was underwater. I could hear voices but didn't know who's they were. "I can't see, am I blind?" I asked, but could barely understand myself. I heard one voice. "I can barely hear you too." I said. I felt the bed I was lying on move. And something go in my ear. It spooked me at first but then I thought possibly a doctor was near. The whiteness began to fade away. "It's fading, I can almost see." I said. "Good. Good." I could half hear Bruce Wayne say. I could see him and clearly. I smiled. "Hi." I said. "Hey." He said back. He was sitting on his knees on the bed beside me. Lucius Fox and Alfred were in the room as well. I was lying on the bed in my clothes and I sat up. "Not too quickly. Take it easy." Bruce said. "You just passed out dear. Nothing to worry about." Lucius said and smiled. "Where am I?" I asked. "In my home." Bruce said. "Wow. It's lovely." I said, just seeing the bedroom. "Wait until you see the rest of the house." He said. "Batgirl." He added and rolled off the bed. "I'll start on breakfast." Alfred said and left the room. "And I have to get to work." Lucius said and left. I got off the bed and walked out before Bruce. The whole house was elaborate and beautiful. "Hey, batgirl?" I asked Bruce. "I think it has a better ring to it and it's quicker to say than Batwoman."

"I like Batwoman."

"Want me to help you get a wicked costume like mine and gadgets and stuff?"


"Then you're Batgirl."


"Pleasure dealing with you...?"

"Stephanie Brown."


We shook hands. He got on the phone and spoke to Lucius as I ate breakfast. "I have to go change, then we'll train." He told me. "Train?" I asked him. "You're not good enough yet to face the city. I'll teach you how to be." He answered and stole a piece of toast before dissapearing from my sight. I looked at Alfred and he smiled. "So, I take it you will probably be spending a lot of time with us." He said. "I suppose I will be! I'm Stephanie Brown." I introduced myself. "Alfred Pennyworth." He said and began to eat with me. When I was finished Bruce lead me to a gymnasium room. "You'll first exercise." He said to me. "I've got that..." I said happily. "It's not exactly entirely your usual work out." He said. I wondered what he meant by that. "Drop and give me twenty." He said. That's usual. "On your side." He told me. That's the unusual part. I got down and tried pushing myself up on my side and lost my balance then collapsed. He squatted down by me. "Tell me, when am I ever going to have to push myself up on my side like that?" I asked. "It's for upper body and arm strength. You lack a bit in it. Try again." He said. I tried again and again collapsed. "Again." He said. He pushed me until I couldn't take it, then had me try the other side, I did the same. My arms were tired and I couldn't do it anymore. "Show me what you know on this." He said, and pointed at a long punching back. I ran to it and kicked it, then was punching it and kneed it. "Good, good, but you need to know more." He said. "How can I flip somebody over my body?" I asked him while panting. "How do you mean?" He asked and crossed his arms. "You know, how you grab somebody's arm and just toss them over you." I answered. "Oh! That move. It's simple. But you have to learn to put most of your weight into it. Pretend you're coming after me with a knife."

"No! I'm not gonna do it! I want to flip you over me!"

"You're physically incapable of that right now, you're exhausted and without the upper body strength that is needed."

"Are you calling me a wimp?"

"In better wording, yes."

"That's it!"

I ran at him and went to kick him but he caught my leg and made me fall onto my back. I groaned. "Nice move boss, now I'm not going to be able to get up." I said. He dropped my leg and lifted me to my feet. "Oh, wow." I said and swayed. "You can relax for a while, then we'll get right back to it." He said and began walking away from me. "Oh, thanks Bruce." I said and dropped on the mats. He laughed. For four months I trained. I was now lifting myself and doing acrobatic stunts. I also learned some fighting techniques from him and things I'd watch. I was in the bedroom he allowed me to have and was thinking of something as he knocked and peered in. "Come in." I said. He walked in and put his hands behind himself. "It's all ready." He said. I smiled and followed him downstairs and into "The Bat Cave". He opened a container and revealed my Batgirl suit to me. It was made from black carbon fiber and would be a slender fit. There was tall black boots that reached the knees and were high heels, a bronze belt to hold smaller batarangs and black leather gloves that reached the elbow. A long and thin black cape  that fell behind it and a mask with ears on top like his. I smiled with glee and turned around then hugged him. He held me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I repeated. "You're quite welcome." He said. "How can I ever repay you?" I asked him and let go. "By helping me fight crime and clear the streets of Gotham City." He said and held his hand out. I grabbed his hand and we held each other's tight. "Gotham shall be clean." I said. "No more filth and grime will fill the streets!" He said. "The criminals will scatter!"

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