Devils Crossroad

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Once you've come into contact with a demon you have been marked for the rest of your life. It's not a visible mark that someone can see. It's a mark deep on your soul, almost like a scar. A scar where the demon tried to invade your body and take over.

If you had the unfortunate luck of encountering a demon more than once, that scar gets bigger. Big enough that a demon hunter like myself can notice.

That's how I met the Winchester brothers. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were hunters and pretty good hunters at that.

With one little proposition made, we set off to kill the yellow eyed demon that plagued both of our lives. But little did they know, I had an agenda of my own. One involving them as an offering.


Hi guys its Linds :D and this is a new story that I decided to write. Its totally different from what i usually write but its paranormal and supernatural based. So i hope you enjoy and comment to let me know what you think :)


*I do not own the characters in this story, this is only for the entertainment of the public*

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