6. Best friend Goals

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The sound of Lolita's voice kept replaying in Mackie's head even after she woke up this morning which made her very uneasy. She was already too stressed out to do anything at all, not with the dead girl's appearance still fresh in her memory. If that wasn't enough, her head was still throbbing from last night's terrifying experience and it wasn't letting up anytime soon.

With morning routines out of the way, Mackie pulled on her favorite pair of cream colored UGGs and threw a pile of dirty clothes in the laundry bag, making a mental note to do the laundry when she got back home in the evening.

She popped a couple pain killers in her mouth and grabbed her back pack, leaving her room and heading downstairs to the kitchen.

"No work today?" She asked, when she spotted Jasper at the table devouring a bowl of lucky charms.

He looked up at her with his mouth full chomping down like an animal. He swallowed everything before speaking. "I'm going in at 12 today. What about you? It's only 10:30. Why are you up so early? I was expecting you to wake up around the same time I was heading out. Thought you only had classes every other day?"

"I do, but I have a couple things to do. I figured maybe I could go exploring for the day. I still don't know much about the town or where everything is, so what could it hurt you know? Besides, I have to go see that man about the job remember? My Interview is at 11."

Oh yeah that's right." Jasper chuckled. "I almost forgot actually. Good luck, though I'm sure you're not gonna need it."

Mackie mumbled a "thanks" making her way over to the cupboard and pulling out a box of strawberry pop tarts. She removed a package of two from the box and put it back in the cupboard. On a normal day she would've threw them in the toaster oven for a minute or two, but for today she decided against it. She just wanted to be on her way.

"See you later, Jasper. Hope you have a good day at work. I might come home before you. Who knows, maybe I'll even cook dinner if I feel up for it. If not, I'll just pick up something on the way home."

"Alright. I won't hold you to that but, thanks."

Mackie laughed. Jasper knew her so well.


With one hand supporting the steering wheel, Mackie used the other to grab her phone off the passenger seat and answered it. If it happened to be her father, then so be it. She had to speak to him sooner or later, even though she hoped it would be later.


"You fucking bitch!"

Mackie rolled her eyes at the sound of her best friend's voice, taking a left turn to get on the highway. "Hey Karri."

"Don't fucking 'hey Karri' me," she shouted, rudely. Of course she was pissed. "You've been gone almost a month and not one word from you. Why is that, Mackie? I thought we were best friends."

Karri MarCell wasn't just her best friend. The barely five feet artificial platinum blonde headed guyanese beauty was more than that to her. They were sisters, partners in crime, two peas in a pod. Their friendship dated back when they were eleven, almost nine years ago in 6th grade at J.P Meadows Junior high School. Neither of them were aware of just how strong their bond would become. While Mackie was kind hearted and sweet, she was also very over protective and jealous with serious anger issues when it came down to the people she cared about. Because of that, Karri, being the cool, calm, and collected young lady that she was, had a knack for being the only one who could calm her down when her temper got the best of her. She was always there even after all the stupid mistakes Mackie made leading up to her moving to Silver Lake.

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