Winter X SandWing Reader

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Your Name: Cougar
Side Notes: You're part of the Royal Family! (Say..a daughter of Thorn)
Requested by thellamaqueentorixox.
(Yes, I'm taking requests now.)
Another royal meeting.
Another party.
Another war discussion.

You always had to come to these things, yet you really had nothing else to do. And they were easy. The only thing your mother, Queen Thorn, asked was that you were just...there. And now you were asked to attend a party.
Well, it was really a royal meeting, but a party at the same time. You were allowed to choose either one to attend, the party or the royal meeting.
You decided to attend the party.

And then you read the scroll further and your jaw nearly dropped. There were going to be IceWings at this party. IceWings! I've never seen one up close before. Maybe this party will be more interesting than I thought, you said in your mind as you clicked the bracelet around your wrist and wrapped a string of emeralds on your neck, woven together with a smooth silk string. It was a bit much, but it would still do for tonight.
At least you wouldn't be at the boring royal meeting.
Most of the Outclaws and Thorn's advisors would be at the party, as they weren't necessarily considered royalty. But those who were closer to Thorn would be at the royal meeting, dragons like Smolder or Qibli (If he was here).

You flew with Thorn to the massive oasis, feeling the cool breeze of the night on your scales. It was so much different from the scorching heat of the desert in the day.
Perfect for flying.
You touched down in the oasis, immediately heading over to the food. You only grabbed a lizard and flew back over, swallowing it whole. You circled around in the air until you spotted the IceWings, flying in from the north. Anyone could look and instantly know they were IceWings, their glittering white and blue scales flying through the desert.

The IceWings touched down and Thorn came over, greeting them with a bow and offering to join her. Most of the IceWings went with Thorn, except for one. Curious, you thought, flying over. You landed in front of the IceWing, startling him. His eyes scanned you from head to tail, taking in detail. "Well it's nice to see that some SandWings have class." He finally spoke in a calm voice. "Please. In the Scorpion Den, this is the most class you'd find. Then there's the lowlife dragons who come here to make quick money." You said. He wrinkled his snout and looked around at the oasis. "How can our kingdoms be so close and yet be completely different? The IceWings are nothing like this." He explained, flying up a bit. We are only the greatest tribe in all of Pyrrhia." He said, lifting his chin. "Can't say the SandWings are." You joked, flying up with him. As you became level with him, both of your wings barely brushed against each other. His scales were so cold, it was almost like jumping in snow itself.
Well, if you'd ever jumped in snow before.

He jerked his wing back quickly, looking at you sternly. "Sorry! Didn't mean to." You said quickly. "No, it's alright." He replied, flying in a circle. "So...what's your name anyway?" You asked. He stopped for a second and looked at you. "Winter. And you?" He asked, continuing to fly in his circle. "Cougar." You answered, following him.

"So, Cougar, what do you plan to do after this anyway?" Winter asked when the both of you landed. "Not really anything. My mother doesn't have much for me to do, and I have nothing else to do anyway, why?" You asked back, a slight smile coming across your face that you couldn't stop. "I was just wondering, since you have so much free time on your talons, if you wanted to come flying with me." He admitted, looking at his talons. "What about your family?" You asked him. "My family hardly cares about me. To be honest, I've almost been banished from my kingdom. I can return for visits and I'm allowed to come along to royal meetings. Other than that, I have nowhere to go either." Winter smiled slightly, his black beady eyes gazing into yours. "Winter, I'd love to." You told him. You touched your wings together again, except this time you didn't pull away from each other. His scales were so cold, but it was something you'd have to get use to. "This is the start of something beautiful." You said to him, grinning. He looked back to you and looked up at the night sky, then back to you.
"Yes, it is."

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