He shrugged, looking away. "I'll try."

"Okay, then."

"Well, to answer your question, I'm here because I was suspendedㅡfor three weeks."

I gasped, looking at him wide-eyed. "Heol! What did you do?"

A shadow passed by his handsome face. "I punched someone. Let's just say, I'm lucky I didn't get expelled." He said and turned to me, "Any plans of running away yet?" he asked.

"Not until I hear the reason why."

He inhaled a deep breath, looking away. And even if it seemed hard for him, he started speaking.


"There's a girl in my class. Quiet, weird, snobㅡall the names they could call her. If confidence was people's body, the amount of hers would be her pinky finger. Just like everyone else, I'm not her friend." I said, taking another deep breath. I told no one but Wooseok about this and yet here I am, saying this to a girl I barely know.

"But," I continued. "But who knew Ms. Quiet Girl has something going on with the Jerk of high school? I went out to go to the toilet but I found the two of them..."

I was whistling quietly as I made my way to the boys' toilet rooms when I found Quiet Girl and Jerk nearby. They were talking in hushed voices, but it seemed like they were so into it that they didn't notice me approaching.

"You know nothing happened! I was drunk but I remember everything!" Quiet Girl whispered-screamed.

"Too late," Jerk said smugly. "I have a proof in this phone."

"What did you do when I was sleeping? What did you do!"

"Shut up, bitch. And listen and remember, this is what I did to you..."

My hearing had this piercing sound and my vision had become red. That wasn't right. He shouldn't have talked to her like that. All I could think about wasㅡdoesn't he have a mom? A sister? Because I do, and I know damn enough that girls shouldn't be treated like that.

I should have just gone on my own way, but he slapped her and pointed a finger at her as if he was threatening her. And he WAS threatening her to spread the photos if she didn't shut up. So, he was about to slap her again when I grabbed his hand. Both of them were very shocked.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He snorted. "What do you care, Japanese guy?"

"Delete the photos." I said.

"And why should I?"

I snatched the phone away from his hand and looked at the photos. I smirked and showed it to Jerk. "Is this all you got? You are threatening her with this?"

"Are you kidding me? Give my phone back." he said, glaring.

Quiet Girl started crying. There weren't nude photos the way Jerk made it seem like. But Quiet Girl looked very, very wasted. She was in his bed, sleeping, a bit of skin showing.

I deleted the photos but then he punched me and my vision went from red to black. Not that I fainted. I was just so angry. I didn't know how many punches I threw on his face. But he was swollen when one of the teachers arrived to stop us.

We were called to the office. But Jerk has a reason why he was a jerk. His father is the school director. I was a mere foreigner in their school. Quiet Girl couldn't speak details. She just said that I defended her but for what, she never answered.

They asked me what I defended her against and I guess it was pretty clear because Jerk had a fucking swollen face but they turned blind eyes to it. Like, he couldn't possibly be the reason. I didn't tell them everything he said about Quiet Girl because I knew it would come out and it would become the school's gossip. I don't know why I cared, but I guess I felt bad about her pinky-finger-confidence. And what would happen to that little amount if I spoke of what happened to her and Jerk?

I still gritted my teeth whenever I remember the mess I dived into. "And that's why I'm spending three weeks here. Mom was frustrated I won't tell her the reason. She's worried I've been influenced by the 'bad kids'. But my friends are fine." I said, running my hands through my hair. "I sometimes look back to it and wondered if I just didn't care, I wouldn't have been suspended. I wouldn't have disappointed my mom."

I looked at Chanmi and she was staring at me like she had never seen me before. I smirked. "Any plans of running away now?"

She cleared her throat. "I'll think about it." she said, grinning.

I smiled and reluctantly held her hand, her artist hand. I love it when she doesn't pull awayㅡbecause every time she doesn't, I feel like my chance increases. "This is part of my Truth. I thought about us and this..." I said, "I thought it would be difficult to share stories of my life with youㅡbut it surprisingly wasn't."

She smiled softly and for the first time, she grasped my hand too. "Thank you for trusting me."

• • •


/N: hey guys! thanks for reading and obviously, sorry for not updating on friday like i promised. i forgot about it and by the time i remembered i was too sleepy to edit and update~ ㅠ

was tryna find yuto pics on my gallery but i keep seeing wooseok (and kino) instead 👀 didnt realize how many pics i've saved of those two lol (ps. my bias is changgu 😂)

y'all listen to pentagon's japanese song 'love' please. it's so cute and yuto's spitting fire on his rap xD

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