Chapter 23

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I woke up to a wooden chair and straps over my body like arms, legs and stomach. There was tape over my mouth. I looked around and I saw Cory and Isabelle in chairs having straps and tape on them too. I then pressed my tongue against the tape making it come off, that is what I learned in boy scouts, you press your tongue against the tape making it wet and it then comes undone. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I started to whisper to Cory and Isabelle to try to wake them up. Cory started to open his eyes but Isabelle wasn't, at least I saw her breathing. I told Cory to do the same thing as me and he did, he tried to tell me something but I shushed him when I heard the lock on the door, I turned my head to see my grandma staring at me.

"Well, well. Hasn't it been a while, and you got the tape off, how smart you are." she said with a smile. "Dalayla! Noah!" I then heard footsteps coming in, Noah was tall with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, same with Dalayla but she had green eyes.

"What the hell is the meaning of this Olive!" Cory yelled trying to move his chair but he couldn't.

"The fucking meaning of this is because well you already know." she said smiling and getting close to his face and then slapping at him making me move my chair.

"NO!" I yelled when she slapped him.

"Dalayla, get the child to her uncle. I just want these two." she said pointing at Dalayla. Why was she letting Isabelle go, it isn't a bad thing but why?

"PLEASE BE CAREFUL!" I yelled when Dalayla took her by her arms and dragging her out making her skin rub against the leather straps. I then looked at Olive and Noah, then Noah smiled at me coming up to me and rubbing my cheek.

"You are very beautiful." he said putting his hands on each side of my chair and getting close to me where his lips were only 3 centimeters away from mine.

"Don't you fucking touch me." I said spitting into his face, he then slapped me and walked by Olive.

"Don't fucking slap her you bastard!" Cory yelled and looked at me, he was bleeding and there were scars on his face. Dalayla then walked in and lifted my chair up slamming me against the wall making me groan and have tears stream down my face.

"What did you fucking do!" I yelled glaring at Olive. She didn't answer me, she then came up to me and put her lips by my ear.

"I did what I had to do, have fun being in a deep sleep. The only person that can save you is your sister who has blood to heal you and your mother and I will kill her before Tom and Cory finds her. But don't worry my child, this sleep will only last until you get blood from your sister." She backing away and smiling.

"What do you me..." I asked but I didn't finish, everything started to get blurry and I heard Cory screaming and yelling.

"Cory... Cory.... I.... love you... and tell..... Isabelle.... I love her.... too." I said before everything went black. I guess I couldn't stay awake.

Thanks for reading this book guys. I know it was short but it was longer than the last version. I have decided to have Hannah narrate the next book. I am so grateful for you guys reading my story! I might have another book about Cory and how he handled it but in a short story form. Oh, btw I'm sorry that this chapter was short but I feel like there is a lot of info in 23 chapters plus an epilogue. As always, thank you for reading and the second book will be longer.

Stay Awake (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora