Chapter 5

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I got into my room and oh my god, this room is as big as my old apartment. The floor was black tiled and the walls were white and and one of them was a blue one instead of white. The ceiling was a mirrored one and it was really cool. The bed was all white and black, I didn't realize it but I went to jump on it with a laugh of joy.

"I can see you're enjoying everything." I heard my mom say from the door as she was walking in with Cory and my dad.

"I am actually, I had to sleep in a car for like 17 hours." I said sitting up and waving my mom to come sit.

"We have a lot to catch up on, but not right now, we will talk all about it at dinner with your grandparents and family and Cory's family as well and of course your Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jeff." My mother said while patting my back.

"I haven't seen Uncle Jeff and Aunt Ellen since last Christmas, and well I haven't officially met Cory's family." I said looking at Cory who was staring at me "And of course I haven't gotten to know my grandparents." I said with a smile at my dad.

"Well you get to know your family and get to reunite with some other family. I love you Amber and I am so glad you finally came of age to come her." she said while I had a face of confusion. Come of age?

"Come of age? What do you mean?" I said tilting my head at my mom.

"I'll explain it at dinner darling." she said getting up and patting my shoulder and telling Cory to stay back and show me around more.

Cory came over to me and sat right by me and placing his hand on my back and smiling at me, was he going to talk to me about what happened before my dad interrupted us or was he just going to tell me what was next? He stood up and put out his hand for mine and I stood up and took it. He led me to a door next to the bed and opened it, he turned on the light and it was a bathroom. There was huge shower that looked like a small walk in closet, the bath tub was white and it was a in-ground one, it had blue tiles all around it, The whole room was mirror but not the ceiling and ground. The ground was white and blue tiled with a pattern. The ceiling was black with sparkles, it kind of looked like a galaxy. There was wall partly full with cabinets and a counter with two sinks. I walked over to touch the counter, it was smooth, and there was a closet right by the shower, it was a walk in one with cabinets and it was all white.

"Do you like it?" I heard Cory say touching my shoulder startling me.

"Yes, It is huge, I only see bathrooms like this online or on KUWTK." I said with a giggle.

"That's good because I designed it for you." He said placing a vase of roses in the middle of the sinks looking at them.

"Really? You have good taste and what are the flowers for." I asked touching one of the red pedals while Cory was looking at the mirror.

"Thanks" he said with a slight smile "Um, I got the flowers because well they mean love and I got them for you because I hope you love this and m--, never mind." He said with a smile. Why did he end his sentence because if he was going to say me I wouldn't mind? I didn't answer but I looked at him and smiled while I took his hand telling him to lead me to the next room, and he just smiled. We started walking to the room and we headed out the door down the hall and there was a butler walking over to us.

"Ms. Robin, I am Mr. Kerk but you can call me Mike. I will be your butler and your maid, Mrs. Clare is on a vacation so she will be back around December." Mike said handing me a glass of water. "Drink, you don't want to be dehydrated." I took the water and drank a big gulp of it, I haven't realized that I haven't drank water in like a week so it was good. Mike nodded his head and he took the glass when I finished and headed down the stairs. Cory looked at me looking awed and smiled because I drank the whole glass so fast. I just smiled back...

Sorry the chapter is short, I didn't know what else to put but the next chapter will be more interesting but thanks for reading my story and being a follower :)

Stay Awake (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora