Chapter 2: Alli

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The Stone

Chapter 2: Alli's introdution.

     Hello! Im Alli, I love to read and right and do tons of research on abnormal things. The reason i broke up with bailey in 7th grade was because i didnt love him anymore, Why he wont except the truth is beyond me, but anyways, why can't he see I'm over him and I'm ready to move on with my life. But he's still obsessing over me, not letting me do what I want. Yet i feel like he cares to much, but nevermind that.

      But If he leaves... I'll be more broken then I am now. And I don't think neither of us want that. I don't see why he still loves me but his compassion is true.

      I like it when he gives me a confidence boost. Its really nice of him, but yeah, Two years have past and now im a freshman and i talk to him just a little bit, not much, and that stone he wants to find, whatever plan he comes up with isnt gonna work. Id love to find it myself though.

      Onwards to my junior year, where now bailey or jake is a forgotten name, everytime gav or shai bring him up i cover my ears, i always hear.

"Jake did this" or "Jake Did That"

      But I always sometimes wonder what would he have done if i stayed longer, or how I would've been. I love him like I love shai and Rayna and Gavin... I love him as a friend. but I'm hiding a lot of things. I haven't cared for tomorrow or yesterday in a long time. I just want to get through it all now. We might be together in the future, we might not. But right now we need to appreciate how great our lives, how great being alive is.

       I'm quite something in case you haven't noticed. I think it fits together well. Also, my 17th birthday was yesterday and jake sent me this:

Jake :@12:01am: Happy Birthday Allison, you are amazing, and i hope you know that. I understand you have a boyfriend. But i dont care. I luv ya buddy. happy 17th Birthday! I will text you Thursday since you want a lonely birthday. Goodnight Allison. Have fun with your birthday, (your presents will come around christmas).

       I was Generally happy with that


NOTE: sorry this chapter short guys but i have a busy day today so its gonna be awhile for chapter 3.


                          The author.

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