23 | Crimson braid ❣️

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Hi everyone !
Here's a girl with red braided hair I started to draw at the week beginning... and like I did it only it classroom, I finished it today !
Like my black fine felt-tip is too big, I inked it with a four-colors Bic pen.

 and like I did it only it classroom, I finished it today ! Like my black fine felt-tip is too big, I inked it with a four-colors Bic pen

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Drawing finish on : 12/25/2017
Material : Black Bic pen, Polychromos color pencils (Faber-Castell)

Close-up 👀

A friend told me the girl looked like Baraka and Bakara, from the comic Les Légendaires, because of the braids

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A friend told me the girl looked like Baraka and Bakara, from the comic Les Légendaires, because of the braids... do you agree ?

And, right down, a clue about one of my new projects ! ⬇️

And, right down, a clue about one of my new projects ! ⬇️

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Yeah, it was my profil picture for a short time... can you see what's in background ? 😉


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