Chapter 34.

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"There comes a time in every relationship when you'll realise that love isn't just enough."

Samara was sleeping on her bed peacefully when Grace opened her door. At last, she was all acting. She heard the car coming from a distance and she knew it was Grace. So she hurriedly got into her pyjamas and hid all the accessories that she took earlier in her wardrobe and locked. She kept all the things she took earlier in the same exact place so that Grace would never find out what's wrong.
By the time her car was parked in the cellar, Samara was already on the bed.
She saw the time and quickly closed her eyes when she heard the main door opening.
Grace saw her sister in agast. She thought Samara would feel disappointed if she would know about the disastrous romantic plan. Grace felt that pinch of sadness in her heart and pity on her beloved sister for being such a supportive and caring person in her life.

Samara knew it. She knew what exactly she felt in her mind. She knew that she would get that sympathy and she knew it strongly that Grace would definitely believe her. After all, she planned everything. She guessed everything and everything's going as planned. Her faith on the murder plan was the strongest. She knew that this day would come and this day would be her last day. And finally, there she was, one step closer to her painless future. The last night Grace will ever have.

Grace saw her for one more time and dragged herself to the hall. She slowly rested on the couch and began to play all her voice mails.

Most of her voice mails were useless. She listened to all of them with a weak mind. She doesn't want to hear them. She just felt irritated but not until she heard one of her most important voice mail. It was from The Care Hospitals of U.S.

" Hello. We are calling from The Care Hospitals. This is an urgent call for Grace Helenson.We are very sorry to declare that your grandparents passed away last night. Your grandfather suffered from a major heart attack while receiving the treatment that resulted in a sudden death and your grandmother suffered from a major panic attack that resulted in high blood pressure and heart beat. She passed away 2 hours 
after your grandfather's demise. This was an involuntary death. Neither the doctors or the hospital management take responsibility for the loss. 
We request you to collect the bodies for further funeral services. The bodies will be preserved in the cold box till the time you come. Your service code is BG137Y.
For more details, please contact 1880-455-1880."

Grace was shocked. Her mind was filled with confusion and pain.
No. That wasn't something that should happen. This wasn't something that she planned of. Things have gone messy.
Tears rolled down her cheek. She wanted someone to rest her head and cry till she let out her pain. 

Knock Knock Knock Knock.....

She heard someone knocking up the door. Samara continued to fake sleep pretending that she didn't hear
anything. Grace rushed and opened the door.
It was Samuel.

"Samuel! Oh my god! I wanted to see you so badly !",Grace caught his hand and pulled him inside.

"Why? Isn't he enough for you?",Samuel asked her in a rough tone.

Grace was completely unaware of what he was speaking about.

"You are a b***ch! How could you do this to me? I gave you whatever you wanted ! And still, you found him better than me? Why ? Why did you do this ? Why? Why? ",he raged and broke the glass table with his bare hands.

Grace was astonished by his anger. She never saw him that angry before.

"What are you talking about?",she asked, confused.

"Don't be so innocent. I know the real you. You only want money! I gave you my heart and you broke it !"

"Baby just be calm and say me what happened",she said and tried to hug him tight. But Samuel pushed her forcefully making her stumble back and fall on the couch.

"Where were you till now?",Samuel yelled at her.

"I was at your residence in the morning. But then your servant maid told me that you have gone to the town for a week. So...I...."

"So you went to that man!",Samuel screamed.

"What's wrong with you? "

"No. Nothing's wrong with me. Everything's with you. You don't want love. You only want money. Maybe that's why you chose me!"

"Mind your tongue Sam! You knew that I didn't know that you were rich until you told me."

"Who knows! You might have planned everything. 
Thank goodness! I came to know your true face before it's too late.
Ok then! Say me ! How many affairs do you have?",Samuel raged.

"I don't...... I don't understand......"

"Stop it lady! My dad always said me to not have any affair with cheap and classless spoiled brats. But I didn't care him.
And now you proved me wrong!
You know what you are?
A prostitute!"

"STOP IT!",Grace screamed.

"Enough is enough! How dare you say such things to me? Look mister, I never wanted your money and I clearly don't understand what you're speaking but I understood one thing clearly, that you don't trust me! I never guessed that you would call me a classless brat. What did you call me? A prostitute? How could you say that? How could you possibly think about me like that? You don't respect women", Grace yelled and started to cry.

Samuel stood there for a moment and watched Grace on her knees covering her face with her hands and crying.

"Fine! It's done! I don't want to be with you anymore! I don't want talk to you or listen to you anymore! 
We are going to break up."
Samuel spoke with a firm voice.

'Break up'
That word made her lift her head and see his face. Her eyes were sobbingly red. She saw him for an aghast.

"Take this! You b***ch ! ",He yelled and threw money on her face and rushed out.

Grace sat on the floor in regret. She didn't move. She was right on the floor sobbing ferociously.

Samara heard everything. She heard the whole argument. But she was silent. She was fake sleeping.
It was way past the midnight. Samara was just lying on her bed watching the dark trees from the window. Grace was silent. 
She sobbed till her soul got dried up and slowly leaned over the ground.
Samara could guess that. After all, no one cries all the night. Sometime, they'll lose their energy and fall down.
So, she decided to sleep. Give Grace a day time to live. She's going to kill her the next day. And she'll do it by hook or crook. And no one would doubt on her. Her grandparents were dead and finally Grace's alone. What does she need more? She closed her eyes slowly letting her sleep soak in. She can kill her anytime and no one would ever find out.

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