Uncle Alan and family

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As we all stand to leave our uncle is looking at me curiously so I asked him what's wrong.

"How tall are you?"

"I'm five eleven, why?"

"Your tall for a girl"

"I don't understand is that bad."

"No, it's just most average female werewolves are not taller than around five eight."

"It's ok Sis, I'm sure he doesn't mean anything by it. There isn't anything wrong with your height"

Alpha Jonas jumps into the conversation.

"They say that if a female is taller she holds great power is what he was trying to say. He just couldn't say it right. He is still in shock of seeing you both."

"I'm sorry my dear niece, that's exactly it. I'm just so happy you both are here. You also look like your momma. You Knox, you look just like your dad. You both are taller than you parents. Your mom was five nine and your dad was six two. How tall are you Knox?"

"I'm six three" my brother says nodding his head. Uncle Alan tells us to follow him to his home. So we get in our car and follow him. I can see Skylar in the sky. She had told us when we were almost here that we would need to tell them about her. I just don't trust that easily. She had said that they had a mole or moles in the pack. "Carrie dear, you are fine. You have only had contact with family correct"

"Yes Skylar"

"Then your okay so far. I was flying around town and looking at the people here. I couldn't see anything out of place. So whoever the mole is, they are probably not in town or lying low. They have heavy security here. Their head enforcer is Roan, you can trust him as well. He hasn't been here but five years but he is working hard on finding the mole. He actually has just him and one other putting hidden cameras around the pack borders to try to catch who it is and to see if it's more than one. So if you run into him he is safe."

After another five minutes my brother pulls in front of a two story house made of logs. It has a wrap around porch. It's a beautiful home. I see a lady step out onto the porch. She has long red golden hair. She is looking curiously at our car. We get out of the car and Uncle Alan walks up to her and gives her a kiss. It was so different from seeing his scowl earlier. I chuckle to myself. We walk towards the two and the lady sucks in her breath.

"You look just like Alan, what's going on, who are you?"

"Dear, let's go inside and talk about this in the privacy of our home." She nods her head and we head inside. Their home is beautiful. It has a spacious living room with a fire place in the corner. There is also a piano. There isn't a TV in this room. There are pictures hung up everywhere displaying their family. We walk through the living room and into the kitchen. The kitchen is spotless. All appliances are stainless steel. There is an island in the middle with bar stools on the side. We continue through the kitchen to the dinning room and it has a long table in it. We head over to the table and we all sit.

"Honey this is my nephew and niece. My sister's children that went missing after their deaths." I look at her and she goes pale.

"They have to hide. If he finds out that they are here he will kill them. We can't let that happen for the future of our race. I am sure that's what the prophecy is talking about now...."

"We know honey, we are waiting on the Alpha and his family to get here and we are all heading to The Maya Castle."

"It's not a myth?"

"No sweetheart, what I need you to do is to get all the kids here. We need to pack some things and head out."

She nods her head and walks over to both of us with tears in her eyes and hugs us. We offer to help her pack and she thanks us for helping. They have five kids and thankfully it's a Saturday because the kids would be in school. My brother and Uncle go to help the boys pack while I help my aunt. While we are in Jessica's room she comes in through the door and asks what's going on and who I am. Aunt Lily tells her we will talk later but for now we need to pack for about a week. Jessica nods her head and starts to pack. Aunt Lilly motions for us to leave so we do and continue down the hallway to another door. She walks right in and I see the cutest girl ever lying on the bed.

"This is Jolee, honey we are gonna pack so come on."

"Mommy, where are we going"

I bend down to her because she has gotten up off the bed. "We are going on a trip. My name is Carrie."

"Wow, you're really pretty. You have really long hair."

"Well I think you are pretty yourself." She has bright blue eyes with specks of yellow in them. She has shoulder length hair that is nothing but curls. I look at her mom and tell her to go ahead and pack and I will help Jolee. She agrees and leaves us.

"Will you be my friend."

"I will be more than your friend, how about we will be best friends" the smile that lights up her face was contagious because I can feel my face smile right along with hers.

"Can I tell you a secret." I nod my head

"I can see bright colors from people."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, mommy has a blue to her and you have many, like a rainbow."

"Sweetie, does anyone know you can see people in colors?" She shakes her head. "Ok let's keep it a secret. For now let's pack" she smiles at me and we start to pack her stuff. After we are done I take her suitcase downstairs and I notice that the Alpha and Luna are her with a bunch of people that I haven't met. I look around for my brother, there is too many people here. Why is it hard to breathe. I need to calm down. It's so hard I can't catch my breath. I see people running to me. It looks like they are shouting but I don't hear anything and then I feel myself falling as everything around me fades.

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