Chapter 4 - Problematic Wolf

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I didn't know that people want werewolf that much... I mean she literally dominated the voting this time...

( Reader P.o.V )

Your place...

I woke up like any other day in my house but... Well, not so any other day but I got used to it. Kina was lying down next to me like the day that I had to cheer her up after the date with the incident with racists.

Nothing really happened besides Smith coming over... quite often at that. She seems to be getting close to me but with her it may be the same as trying to steal all of my coffee when she comes over...

I took a shower and dressed without any incident like before. Actually Smith once even walked in on me since she - as she told me : 'Because I'm an agent!' - has a spare key to my house and roam around in search for me to tell me something... or get more of the coffee.

Now, that I think of it... How can she drink all that cofeine and be okay? If I were to drink as much coffee as she does then I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I started to prepare breakfast when a knocking on the door took my attention.

I saw Kina walking down the stairs with Persi walking on the ceiling but... She was swaying sleeply. I gotta say, this just makes her look adorable but first the door! I went over to the corridor and opened them.

Smith : Hello, (Y/N).

(Y/N) : Hi, Kuruko. You have keys so why knock?

Smith : Oh, I have a guest for you!

She said that struggling and she pulled on the chain she had in her hands. Whatever was on it was interested and started to growl at me. I looked past Kuruko to see a women sitting like a dog with her furry hands cuffed.

(Y/N) : Ummm... Are you sure she's... safe to handle? I mean I can just hug crybaby and pet the excited little spider but... She seems ready to bite my face off and use my bones as toothpick...

Smith : Oh, of course she is! She cuffed like this because she is actually just angry. Some two guys started to call out to her and calling her name. Let's say she didn't like that and they need maaaany stitches now.

(Y/N) : You don't seem bothered by it...

Smith : It was fun to watch.

I sigh and stepped aside for Smith to enter. She pulled the werewolf girl in behind her but she bit onto my pants ripping them off completely... Now I feel awkward. Good thing that I didn't wear my favourite pair of boxer with bunny faces on it... Also since she's a wolf I'd rather not try her reaction to seeing them.

Smith : Bellona! Don't! (Y/N) is not a chew toy!

(Y/N) : Now, this is a bit too much, don't you think? A bit higher and I'd be only half the man I used to be...

Bellona : Come here you little human! We'll see if you're so smart if I'll put my claws on you!

(Y/N) : What did I even do to you!?

Bellona : You are a human! You're gonna laugh at me and hurt me!

Suddenly two smacks resonated across the room making me and Bellona to lean forward and my two other guests to stare wide-eyed. We both turn to stare at Kuroko in surprise as she sigh annoyed.

Smith : Enought with the screaming! Let's explain something here really quickly because I still have documents to fill in, and let me add, those will change a lot.

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