Chapter 5 - Wolf's True Problem

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It was a lemon originally but... I've decided to change this since the outcome was a HUGE problem in the story, I hope you understand! Thank you!

( Bellona P.o.V )

Your place...


I need a solution... Fast... Wait, he's lying downstairs on the couch! He won't even expected when I will get him to mate with me! He will be happy afterwards and I will finally get what I always wanted, this is the best!

I got on all four as I started to act a bit more like an animal rather than intelligent person. My body is affected by the heat and so is my brain, turning almost completely out except for the one responsible for desire.

I crawled down the stairs following the scent that drives me crazy. The smell of my future mate and father of my pups... I sneaked up to the couch and he was asleep with the TV still on and playing some weird serial.

Bellona : Don't worry, (Y/N). After tonight we will be together as a family...

I leaned in for a kiss while reaching for his arms to pull them back. Just as I started a passionate make out session waking him up, a light was turned on. I caught a streak of red before I was suddenly lifted off of him.

Kina : What are you doing to my love!?

Bellona : Leave me alone! Let go of me! You don't understand!

(Y/N) : Bellona, what's going on with you?!

Bellona : Oh, (Y/N)! Please mate with me! I need you more than anything!

(Y/N) : You're out of your head, out of your heart and your mind! Calm down! ( Anyone who is first to get the reference - which is a song - will get a free addtional monster girl to choose! But you won't be able to choose something totally out of this world... )

Kina : (Y/N)! She's getting stronger! I can't hold her anymore!

Persi : Don't worry! I'm coming to help you!

Bellona : No one understands! It's more than just need for sex!

I struggled out one of the paws from Kina's grasp and pushed her away making her let go of me to not fall down completely. Persi jumped at me with a string of her webbing but I caught her mid-air and used the string to bind her arms and legs together tightly.

Persi : No! It's my web! You can't tie me with it!

I ignored her and saw that (Y/N) has called for someone on his phone. I snarled in anger catching his attention and making him stare in fear at me. No, you aren't suppose to be scared. You are suppose to smile...

Suddenly someone grabbed me again and I turned to look at Kina struggling to hold me back from going after (Y/N). I pushed her arms apart getting free before pulling (Y/N)'s dirty boxers over her head making her lose sight and smash against the wall with a lewd smile...

Smith : When I was talking about you being able to mate with anyone, he was off limits...

Bellona : Smith? Back off...

Smith : This guy is off limits cuz he's mine. I knew that it was a bad idea to put you here, he just seems like a magnet for women and problems...

Smith suddenly pulled out a pistol and shoot right at me... With a sleeping dart! However I was fast enought to put still talking Persi in front of me making the dart knock her out and snore cutely while still tied up...

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