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You felt his gentle arms pull you forward as you kissed him gently. He pulled away and smiled at you
"I'll see you later ok?" You whispered, slowly unwrapping your arms from his neck. He nodded "goodnight y/n"

You watched him walk down your front steps, and onto the sidewalk, you opened your front door and sighed happily as you entered. You and Eddie had been dating for about three months now, and it had been the best three months of your life. He was such a sweet boy, and he treated you like a princess. He was perfect.

You checked the time, and figuring Richie would be asleep by now, you decided to grab a snack before going to bed. You made your way into the kitchen, flipped on the overhead lights and started rummaging in your fridge for something to eat. You heard someone clear their throat behind you, making you jump and spin around to come face to face with your nosy older brother
"Jesus Christ you scared me!" You sighed, slamming the fridge behind you
"Pretty late isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow
"Yeahh..?" You raised an eyebrow "so?"
"Nothin'" he shrugged "just wondering where you where"
"Hanging out with- a..a friend"
"Hm.." he shrugged it off, it was no use arguing with you anyway "ok then, hey there's some horror movies on tonight. Wanna watch with me?"
"Sure" you said, relieved that he had forgotten so fast.

While you where watching, you kept stealing glances at your brother, feeling kind of guilty for hiding your relationship with Eddie. Sure you loved Eddie, but you also loved your brother, even if he was an asshole sometimes. You felt bad lying to him, but you knew he'd freak out if he found out. You sighed, deciding to leave the problem unresolved for the time being, for now you didn't  have to worry about anything.

[short chapters I know, I'm working on the plot still]

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