Chapter 2

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Omg I can't believe people actually read this book 😭I was so shocked when people actually wanted me update this book has so many Ideas I have an ending in mind it's good but it feels like there needs to be a book 2 but maybe I'll change it the story line has changed a bit due to me finding something and it inspiring me to change it .... Enjoy!


"Who is she?" a man with a suit asked with the picture of a girl in his hand "She's one of the best assassins out there and she has proven herself to be extremely deadly ." A man in an Armani suit says pointing to the girl's picture "Her? She looks like she couldn't even hurt a fly."A man says in a white Gucci suit lounging in a chair and throws the picture on his desk. "Looks can be deceiving Sir." Another man says "Tell me why should I be worried about some high school student that is clearly not worth my time?" The man in a suit asks with a raised eyebrow"Because Mr Jung, rumour has it that she's going to come after you." the man in an Armani suit says with a serious look "Well why didn't you tell me that in the first place." Mr Jung say smiling.


I was training with Kim she was helping me get better at one of the fighting skills and she also helped me with homework since I can't attend high school anymore I had to get a special teacher here at the agency "Come on Mina I know you can do better than this." She says trying to punch me I  dodge it easily and grab her arm and pull her to the floor with me on top of her "You were saying, Kim?" I say grinning "Yah how am I supposed to help you if you keep holding back." She says squirming around "Well I don't want to hurt my little sister ." I say pinning her down so she can't escape and hurt me "Yah I'm only young by a couple months, 3 to exact." She says escaping my hold and grabbing me and pinning me down "Nice one little sis." I say grinning at her "I hate you sometimes." She says letting me go and standing back up I pull her down again "Awww come on you know you love me ." I say wrapping my arms around her "Sadly I do." She says laughing "I hate to interrupt this cute moment but Mina you've been requested at headquarters urgently." Matt says leaning against the wall "Like how urgently?" I ask "Well they said if you don't come right away I'm supposed to say it has something to do with your Dad." Matt says shrugging. I get up quickly and practically run to my room and get out of my training clothes, I grab a skirt and a long-sleeved sweater then I go take a quick shower and then get dressed I added some lip tint, some blush, and sprayed some perfume and put on some pink converse sprint to the elevator.

"I wonder what they found maybe they finally found him." I say out loud to myself the elevator doors opened I went to the door I knew quite well seeing as how I always end up here "Mina come in." Jack said, digging around in some paper on his always messy desk "What did you find?" I ask not wanting to waste a minute with pointless conversation"We might have found a lead on your Dad." Jack said handing me a paper "Might have?" I ask but look at the paper but the only thing on there was a picture of a man in sunglasses and a name "Mr Jung?" I say out loud "We believe that Mr Jung took your father in hopes that he would learn secrets about our agency." Jack says handing me another piece of paper "This was a message between him and one of his men they both mentioned a man who could tell them something and we think it's your father." Jack says while I read over the messages "And if this man has him what are you waiting for go send someone to rescue my Dad." I say looking at him "Mina it's not that easy and you know that." He says rubbing his temples "It actually seems pretty easy to me."I say getting mad "Mina the agency won't let me send anyone because there isn't anything more than a suspicion that they won't risk going to war with Mr Jung over some agent and especially not without proof. This is a very dangerous game, we don't want to start what could easily kill hundreds of innocent people and every time someone starts a game with Mr Jung they either die before they finish or they pay with their loved one's life, This a game with a with a very dangerous and heavy price." Jake says "I don't care." I say standing up and grabbing the paper and walking to the door "Mina what exactly are you going to do?" Jake says alarmed "If they want to play a game I'll play the game. I think you should know by now that I won't stop until I'm dead or until I've won" I say walking out the door.

  I quickly packed a bag and grabbed some stuff and went out of my room and locked it I went to the elevator the doors opened I saw Matt standing in the elevator "Where are you going?" Matt asks looking at me while I enter the elevator "I'm going to go get my Dad back." I say "Are you crazy?" He says I shrug "That's a stupid question of course you are! Otherwise, you wouldn't even think of going against Mr Jung." Matt says rolling his eyes at me  "Why is everyone so scared of one guy and besides Matt I'm very good at what I do so trust me when I say I will win." I say confidently "Yeah I know you'll win Mina but the thing is your going to do whatever you need to do to win which makes you extremely dangerous and deadly. I know you're going to do whatever you need to do to win without any mercy." Matt says looking at the floor I knew he was telling the truth "I can't deny what you said but if it comes down to that then I will." I say walking out of the elevator "Just promise you won't hurt anyone innocent." Matt says "I promise." I say walking out and seeing the door close.


"Sir, we just received word about Kim Mina."A man said, "What is it?" Mr Jung asked annoyed  "Kim Mina has gone rogue sir." The man says "Ahh so now she found out about us. I must admit I'm disappointed I thought she would catch on faster." Mr Jung says smiling and standing up and organizing his paper and he sees a picture of Mina he holds it up "I anticipate an interesting game Kim Mine." Mr Jung says laughing  "Let the games begin."He says while throwing Mina's picture in a nearby fireplace.

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