"Hey Gem, can I snag you real quick!" Michal said coming up to his wife. Gemma noticed he looked awfully flustered.

"You okay?" She asked. Michal grabbed her elbow and led her towards the front door.

"I can't get her to leave." He mumbled. Gemma rounded the corner and saw Candice standing in the entryway looking at her cellphone.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"I overheard Mary Sullivan telling a friend she was going to a Christmas party at the Twist household so I thought I'd check it out." Candice said.

"And the fact that you weren't invited didn't tell you anything?" Gemma snarked. "You are not welcome." She said slowly.

"There's no need to be like that." Candice said smirking.

"I ought to knock your lights out for how you treated my brother. Consider it a Christmas miracle that I'm not." Gemma scowled.

"Gemma, not here." Michal said lowly. The last thing Anne would want is a massive fight breaking out on Christmas Eve.

"You should listen to your husband." Candice smirked.

"You should just accept the fact that Harry doesn't want you anymore. How did that dinner go? I heard he told you off halfway through."

"You don't know what you're talking about. He'll come to his senses. He always does." Candice snapped.

"You seem sure about that." Gemma said. She looked back into the living room and saw Harry smiling while talking with Anne with his arms wrapped around Piper holding her to his chest. "There he is." She said pointing him out. "Seems like he's doing alright without you." Candice looked over and scowled upon seeing him cuddled up with some other woman.

"Like I said, he'll come to his senses!" Candice snapped once again. She gave a final huff and was out the door without another word.

"You okay?" Michal asked seeing Gemma was still worked up.

"I just...I hate that," she looked around to make sure there weren't any children around, "bitch so much! She's so smug and all around...awful! How Harry put up with her for so long is beyond me." She ranted. "The nerve of her to show up here is astounding!" She huffed.

"Well I don't think she'll be back anytime soon after that." He laughed. "You know, I think Piper makes Harry really happy." He said looking back at Harry and Piper.

"I think she does to." Gemma nodded in agreement. "I just hope they figure out what they're going to do once she leaves because she's going to have to leave." She said sadly.

"I know." Michal said. "They'll figure it out. Don't worry about it now though. It's Christmas Eve and we should be happy and spending time with everyone." He said leading her back to the party.

"There you two are, everything okay?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Gemma smiled.

"Piper, look how many presents are under the tree!" Poppy said excitedly, tugging on Piper's hand.

"I see that." She said letting Poppy lead her closer to the tree.

"I hope I have more than everyone!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Now Poppy, you know Christmas is more than just getting presents." Piper said moving so she was eye-level with the 6 year old.

"It is?" Poppy asked confused. Piper smiled and nodded.

"Remember the tree lighting ceremony? The carolers? The decorations all around us? The family that's here today." She asked. She wasn't sure about what Michal and Gemma had told their children regarding the religious side of things so she opted to steer clear of that.

"Yeah!" Poppy said excitedly.

"Those are all things that are brought on at Christmas time. Presents are great, but being together as a family is what it's all about. Also, giving other people gift's and seeing the joy on their face when they open up something you got them." Piper continued.

"I mean...I guess." She shrugged idly picking at the hem of her dress.

"Is Piper giving you a Christmas lecture my little flower?" Harry said coming over to them.

"Uncle Harry!" Poppy yelled happily launching herself at him.

"I was not lecturing her." Piper frowned. Harry laughed and nodded. "Just merely explaining the true importance of Christmas."

"Piper, you gotta remember she's 6." Harry said picking Poppy up. Piper thought about it for a moment, remembering when she was 6 and Christmas was definitely all about the presents, and conceded.

"Alright you've got a point." She agreed. "Alright, no more Christmas lessons."

"Lessons...lectures...really how you want to view them." Harry shook his head side to side.

"That's enough outta you." Piper said pinching his hip lightly. She smiled as he let out a loud belly laugh.

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