"Want to build snow angels with you." Tabitha said.

"Snow angels? We can do that. I'll have you know I love making snow angels. I need to grab my coat though." She smiled down at her. Piper couldn't wait to have her own children, well she could because she wasn't necessarily in a place for them at the moment, but she definitely knew she wanted children one day.

"Can I come with you?" Tabitha asked shyly.

"Of course you can!" Piper said scooping her up and walking back upstairs.

"We're chopped liver." Gemma said. "My own child didn't even say hello to me." She shook her head.

"Piper didn't even say hello to me either." Harry pouted.

"Oh quit your pouting will you. Your girlfriend ignoring you is one thing, my daughter, my flesh and blood, ignoring me is another. We've been replaced." She said playfully.

"She's not my girlfriend." He grumbled.


"Hello you two." Piper smiled at the siblings.

"Hello mummy, hello uncle Harry." Tabitha waved from Piper's arms.

"Hello my little munchkin. Are you having fun?"

"Piper and I are gonna make snow angels!"

"You are? How lovely. Make sure to show daddy your angel okay?" Tabitha nodded with a toothy grin.

"Okay so stand there, arms out and close your eyes." Piper instructed. Tabitha nodded and smiled wide as she held her arms as far out as they would go. Piper gently tipped her over until she was laying in the snow. "Now spread your arms." She said. She watched as Tabitha flapped her arms wildly creating something that resembled a snow angel.

"Am I doing it right?" Tabitha called out.

"Perfect. I've never seen a prettier angel." Piper said.

"I have." Harry said creeping up behind her. Piper jumped in shock and turned to face him.

"Don't you know not to sneak up on a person!" She said.

"Sorry." He smiled.

"Uncle Harry you have to make a snow angel." Tabitha said jumping up.

"If you insist my little tabby cat." Harry smiled at her. Piper watched as Tabitha gave him the same directions Piper had given her. She giggled to herself when Tabitha had trouble pushing Harry over.

"Piper help me!" She demanded. Piper helped her push him over. "You gotta flap your arms uncle Harry!" Tabitha instructed.

"Like this?" He called out. Piper had a sudden idea and sneakily leaned down and gathered some snow in her hand. When Harry wasn't paying attention she drew back and lobbed it directly at his face.

"Oh you did not just do that!" Harry said in shock. Piper saw the twinkle of mischief in his eye and quickly ran away. Harry was quick to gather snow and form it in a loose ball before hurling it at her back.

"Oh it's on now!" Piper said. It didn't take long for teams to be divided, Poppy and Harry vs Tabitha and Piper, with Michal acting as score keeper and Anne as a judge. Gemma and Robin came out to act as cheerleaders.

"You're going down Kendrick!" Harry shouted from his side of the yard.

"No way Styles!" She called back. "We got this Tabitha. I'll keep making them and you keep throwing them."

"Victory!" Tabitha screamed while throwing snowballs with all her might.

"Definitely her fathers daughter. Never met anyone quite so competitive." Gemma said shaking her head.

"I particularly remember you and Harry being quite competitive when you were kids." Robin interjected. "You always had to win."

"That's cause he made everything into a competition first. There was no way I was going to be beat by my little brother." She said shaking her head.

"We've give up." Harry said waving his hands after 10 minutes of back and forth. Piper and Tabitha gave a cheer as Piper scooped her up once again.

"Now we have to go and thank them for a good match. Good sportsmanship is important." Piper said.

"Do we have to? We won!" Tabitha said.

"Of course. It's always good to be a good winner." Piper nodded. "Good match you two." She said walking over to Harry and Poppy.

"I just want it known the only reason we gave us is because Poppy didn't want to embarrass her sister anymore." Harry said eyeing his niece.

"What? You were the one who said you didn't want to embarrass Piper!" Poppy said looking up at Harry indignantly.

"Either way we won." Piper said sneakily sticking her tongue out at Harry.

"Victory victory victory." Tabitha chanted as she walked back into the house.

"All she's going to talk about all night." Gemma sighed. Michal chuckled and rubbed his wife's back as they followed their daughter inside.

"I totally would've kicked your ass in a true snowball fight." Harry whispered gathering Piper in his arms.

"Psh, you wish." She countered.

"We'll never know though because I'm too much of a gentleman to not let you win." He grinned.

"If that's what helps you sleep at night." She smiled. He grinned and gave her a firm kiss.

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