"Does that mean we get to see the pretty lights gramma?" Poppy excitedly asked tugging on Anne's hand.

"It does sweetheart! A big tree in the middle of the town square and everyone gathers around to watch as we officially light the tree." Anne explained.

"She's bout as excited as you were at Oxford st." Harry leaned over and whispered in Piper's ear.

"Because it's exciting. How come you didn't tell me there was a tree lighting?" She asked.

"I thought they'd already done it. I mean we are 13 days into December." He shrugged.

"We're going!" She said, as if his mother would let him stay behind.

"I know. That's why mum mentioned it." He nodded.

"Good, don't want you trying to come up with an excuse for why you can't go." She said eyeing him.

"Piper Kendrick!" He gasped as if he were offended. "Quite hurtful that you think I would try to get out of a corny tree lighting ceremony in the freezing cold." He said. He giggled at her narrowed eyes and stepped back when he saw her fingers going for his hip. "No pinching." He said.

"No being a smart-aleck." She countered putting her hands on her hips.

"Finally get rid of the grinch title only to adopt the smart-aleck title." He said dramatically.

"Lunch time!" Anne called from the kitchen.

"Thank goodness. I'm hungry." Piper said. Harry laughed and threw his arm over her shoulder and led her to the kitchen.

"This town really does look beautiful." Piper said looking out the window.

"Harry will have to show you around sometime." Anne said from the backseat.

"Mum." Harry groaned. "Technically Piper, Holmes Chapel is a village and civil parish

"What? I think it's a good idea." Anne defended.

"You don't have to." Piper smiled, giving him an out. "I can walk around on my own, it's no big deal."

"Well I was going to show you around tomorrow, but now it looks like it was my mums idea." He pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll still give you credit" she smiled and patted his arm.

"Thank you."

"Goodness it gets cold up here." Piper said tightening her coat around herself. She thought London was cold!

"Are you ever warm? I swear you complain about the cold at least once a day." Harry asked.

"Because I get cold easily. Not all of us are human furnaces you know." She countered.

"Alright then, come here." Harry said opening his coat once again. It warmed her up enough last time. Piper let out a sound of glee and happily wrapped her arms around his waist to absorb some of his warmth.

"My goodness you're warm!" She said.

"Well one of us has to be." He said wrapping his coat around her.

"Thank goodness for that."

"Are we sure Harry and Piper are just friends?" Michal asked Gemma after watching the two of them. Gemma looked over and raised an eyebrow seeing them share his coat.

"He didn't really say." She shrugged. "How come you never share your coat with me like that?" She asked.

"Because you're a walking furnace and would overheat in 2 seconds."

Their attention turned to the tree as the principal of the comprehensive school walked up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to our annual tree lighting ceremony. We're almost 2 weeks into the month but its as good a night as any. I won't keep you waiting, so Nancy...if you will?" He asked looking to a woman standing off to the side. She smiled and pressed the button in her hand and everyone watched as the tree lit up.

"Its so...breathtaking." Piper breathed out looking at the tree. There was something about being in a small town surrounded by a slower pace of life that seemed to really cement the Christmas season. The snow seemed fluffier, the people seemed friendlier, time seemed slower. Sure London was lovely, but everyone was always in a bit of a rush and didn't take the appropriate time to stop and take a breather. This here, the town gathering together in the cold to watch the massive tree in the middle of the town be lit up, was something Piper never wanted to forget.

"Yeah..." Harry trailed off looking down at her. "Breathtaking." He said smiling.

"Mum!" Gemma whispered gently nudging her mother. She nodded her head towards her brother and Piper. Anne felt her heart squeeze as it had been so long since she'd last seen that look on his face. All she wanted was for her son to be happy and it seemed like he finally might be.

I'll Be Home For ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now