Sir Joseph

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Mark's POV:

       Knock, knock, knock. He arrived. But wait, he wasn't alone! There are two boys much taller than me beside him... They didn't look very friendly. I slowly crept down the stairs as my mother straightened herself up and opened the door for the rich bastards.

      "Patricia, darling!" He cried out when he saw her. She squealed because he'd picked her up and spun her 'round. After he'd set her down, they stepped out of the doorway to let the two other boys in... I was guessing they were his sons.

       "Hey, Pet!" the bigger one with the blonde hair sneered at me. "Get our bags, ya little shit!" The name he called me took me aback, no one had ever used such foul language toward me before... Unless they knew my secret, that is.

       Snap! "Hey, Pet!" The shorter one with the weird-looking white mask snapped me out of my daze. "Get our stuff, and make it snappy!" They looked at eachother and laughed at their stupid pun.

       This was going to me fun--- NOT! I couldn't believe I was going to have to share my room with these assholes. With an overly exaggerated groan, I descend the stairs and grab their 10-ton bags. As I passed by them to bring their heavy-ass shit up to my room, the blonde one hit me on the back of my head, almost causing me to fall.

       "Hey, Pet!" The one with the mask called up to me. I stopped to listen. "What's your name?" I would've answered correctly but, they'd pissed me off so I smirked and simply said...

       "Well it surely ain't pet." That felt so good to say... But I'd regret it soon after.

Markirella (A Septiplier + Cinderella Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora