It's just these stupid hormones, Youngjae thought. He gave a small pout before deciding to wash his face to wake him up faster. When he was done he left the bathroom and returned to Jaebum's room to see the older playing on his phone while being wrapped up in the comforter with one leg sticking out.

"Who you texting?" Youngjae asked, curious to know, as he sat down in the giant bean bag chair that was a couple feet away from the bed. He got comfortable and placed a hand on his belly, rubbing his hand in circles out of his newest habit.

"My Uncle," Jaebum answered. He glanced at Youngjae and furrowed his eyebrows in question. "Why are you so far away?" He asked af Youngjae examined the distance there was between them. He then shrugged.

"Don't you have company upstairs?"

Jaebum hummed in response and said shortly after, "I only want you." Hearing those four words caught Youngjae by surprise. He looked at Jaebum, who was staring at him with adoring eyes, and Youngjae looked down in a blush. Jaebum smirked and pushed himself out of bed, walking over to Youngjae and held a hand out for the younger, who took it and allowed Jaebum to pulled him to his feet. He was surprised when Jaebum pulled him into a kiss that Youngjae immediately melted into. Feeling the gentle touch of Jaebum's hand on his baby bump made Youngjae smile into the kiss.

With one last peck to the lips, Jaebum and Youngjae broke a part. They both pulled back a little and locked eyes with each other, holding the stare and becoming lost in each other eyes. Jaebum brought a hand up and caressed the side of Youngjae's face, gently brushing his thumb along Youngjae's cheek. "Damn, how'd I get so lucky?"

The brunette giggled and said, "You knocked me up, remember?" He then stepped back and turned around, walking towards the door.

"Of course," Jaebum said and began following Youngjae. "How can I forgot that wild night?" He asked with a grin. Youngjae groaned in annoyance and turned around, lightly hitting Jaebum in the arm. "You can act like it was nothing all you want but you and I know damn well it was something," Jaebum said in a chuckle and before Youngjae could react, he smacked the younger boy's ass then darted out of the room and up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Youngjae stared after the elder in surprise only to look down in a blush and could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. He was glad that Jaebum had left to go upstairs. He then stopped and took a deep breath, pulling himself together. After he was successful in that he left the room and went upstairs as well.

"No, we're going to stay out of sight but you two are going to be in our sight," a voice said in a serious tone. Youngjae was just walking down the hallway that led to the kitchen, where he assumed everyone was. "Younghyun will go in with you guys but is going to stay in the waiting room."

As he rounded the corner and leaned against the entrance frame, Youngjae stuffed his hands in his pajama pockets and listened carefully. Nobody was paying attention to him. Jaebum and his friends were all sitting in a chair at the kitchen table, talking about today's plan. He found it interesting. "I don't get why we're doing this today when he hasn't been spotted in weeks," Jaebum said, covering his mouth afterwards to muffle a yawn. "He's not going to do anything in broad daylight anyways."

"No, but he'll find out that you have a kid on the way and could use Youngjae to get to you," Wooyoung, a muscular man with blonde hair and a broad face, said. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and nodded at Jaebum. "Who knows what extent he'll go to."

Jaebum sighed but nodded. He turned his head and noticed Youngjae standing in the doorframe. He smiled and motioned for the younger to join them, which Youngjae did. He bowed in respect to Jaebum's friends first then was startled when Jaebum took hold of his wrist and pulled him closer to him. The brunette felt awkward with the older men being in the room. He sat down on Jaebum's lap though when the older tugged at his shirt to do so. Though he was paranoid about crushing Jaebum because of the amount of weight he's gained while being pregnant, Youngjae was enjoying the moment. He smiled a little when Jaebum wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

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