C:4 We Shine Brighter Than The Stars

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I headed out to Underswap. The Star Sanses are having a meeting about our inner lives. But before I leave I must check the AUs for trouble.




Everythings in order! Let us set out!

I grab my things and headed out the door. Destination? Underswap.

The vibraint rainbow glow came from my portal as I hoped in. When I got there, Dream and Blue were already seated and ready to start. We always gathered in the deep woods to keep out of trouble. We created this hole in a Red Oak tree and made two doors on each side for architecture.

Dream and Blue were alredy inside chatting when Dream spotted me and waved me over. "So Ink? Anything up with the AUs or... Error?" Blue and Dream smirked at me, they loved to pick on me about my crush.

Why me? "Nothing has happend that hasen't happent before." Sorrow filled my head... he'll never like me.


"You guys really ship us dont cha?" They swiftly nodded. Soon I heared a crunch outside abd all of us looked over to see a tall, black, glitching, handso- NORMAL LOOKING HUMAN! He isn't handsome.

Blue pulled me tward him and whispered into my ear, "I dare you to use this pick up line on him, 'if I could count how many twinkles there are in your eyes, I would be here forever looking into your eyes'. Please!"

I whisper yelled to him. "Fine!" I waled over to Error and he seemed to have something on his mind, and no its not a pixel. (EYYYYYYY! Im gonna go now sorry)

"Hey Ink?" He said as he pulled me over behind a tree. "Are you ok? Since last time?"

I gupled and decided I would tell him the line was a dare. "Yea, Im good and... my friend dared me to do this." I took a deep breath. "If I could count how many twinkles there are in your eyes, I would be here forever looking into your eyes." The sun envied how bright his face was! He looked so mad and flustered he didnt say anything just stomped off.

But before he could he stopped to reboot and after he said to me looking over his shoulder. "Wow... why did I care how you were? Your just a little rainbow jerk, I'll never love you Ink, NEVER" I held in my tears as he turned to fully face me. Then spoke again, "And you then have the nerve to FLIRT with me?" He grabed me with his strings and cut into my ribs, him knowing I had the cuts made it worse. But I kept all the tears and screams in, I have to. "Your pathetic, weak, unloved, and worthless... get outta my sights unicorn poop." With that he left... the strings with him... but his words stuck like glue. I looked to my left with tears in my eyes to see Blue, Dream, and




Fresh. He looked saddened and surprised. They all came over to me Fresh keeping his distance... guess I should tell him about my feelings.

"Fresh? You close with Error rig-"

"Yes Im close with Error, Inkster! Im his brother and I can not believe he would say all those diggity darn things to you!" Fresh looked mad and soon calmed down. "Ima go talk to my broski glitch and see if he really meant what he said to ya Inkster." As Fresh opened the portal he looked at me for approval. I nodded emotionless as Fresh left. I sighed and got up. Dream and Blue tried to pull me back down but I only kept to my goal.


I opened a portal home, to be greeted with a deathly pain. I kept it in, and kept walking. I went into the portal and immediately went and looled through AUs to see which one.... he... was in.





Wow... that guy really likes easy prey. I open a neon rainbow portal and quietly went on. Error didn't spot me, yet. He was going to smash Haventale Monster Kids soul. I slashed red pain at him and snapped my fingers, turning it into a burining, hard to remove, gel. Error was screeming while he sent his infamous strings at me. I doged and saw that Monster Kid was running away. He looked back at me worry clouding his eyes. I gave him a small nod and smile and he continued to run.

Error shot string at me but I melted them with the burning red paint I used before and sent pink his way. Soon it hit him and I snaped my fingers chaining him. He struggled and finally after about 3 minuets and got them off while I doged his strings.

~1 hour time skip brought to you by flustered tusundare Error~

Then he gave up. Being burnt, cut, and chained he left. Yes he left me with many wounds as did I, but I must recreate what was left of Haventale.

HERE CHILDREN HAVE SOME PAIN AND MEAN ERROR!.... why did I make Error so mean? Eh, im not changing it plus it perfectly displays his distaste for Ink! But dont worry! This is Error x Ink no need to check! Im just gonna take my long, long time with their love life. Mwehehheheheheheheh!

Oh and should I have the characters be apart of the AN at the end here? Please comment that or any other Ideas.

OH AND MY FRIEND FOUND MY ACCOUNT! You know who you are.


Also SORRY ITS LATE! Just alot of things going on in my life... and Im just really, REALLY lazy.



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