C:2 Whats Wrong?

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Error POV

I was destroying Edgy Town when Ink came in through his rainbow puke portals. He came and a smirk plasterd itself onto my face as I shot blue stings at his limbs and tieing him up... might aswel get some info outta' him.

(Not doing the glitching just imagine it please) "So Rainbow barf, your the creator of AUs?"

"Yes..." Ink replied skeptically, perfect.

"And you gay for?"

"Like I'd tell you! HA! What a laugh!"

"Fine, fine, but do you feel anything when I do this?" I asked as I smushed the soul of toriel. To my surprise Ink screamed and struggled? What? Is he feeling what the Toriel feels? The sceaming continued on for a little longer about ten minuets. When he stopped I looked at him sceptically. "Ink, what was that?"

"You dont need to know, Error."

"Oh but I do Ink." I said evily as I tightend the string around his body. He seemed in more pain than usual... hmmm I only have him by his torso... whats wrong with his torso... Im finding this out!

I brought him closer to me and lifted his shirt to only find a black undershirt. Ink was super flustered and tried to get away. "HEY DONT DO THAT!" I ignored him and lifted up his shirt to find... bandages? I never have hurt him around his torso... his was really skinny and I only lifted his shirt to where the bandages stoped which was about where I felt his ribs.

"Ink what is this?"

He stayed silent, so I raised my voice at him glitching out bad. "INK WHAT HAPPEND?"


"I JUST FELL ON MY TABLE! NOTHING SERIOUS!" Ink yelled, I can tell he is hiding something big.

"The truth Ink." I said calmly and my glitching camling down.

"I... I... I-I purposefully scratched my self... HAPPY!?" Ink then let his hair fall in his face and cry whispering and murmering a few 'sorry's and 'I didnt want to worry you'.

My glitch hoping up making my voice loud and almost but still audible."WHY?!"

Ink looked shocked then closed his eyes and screamed. "BECAUSE MY STUPID BRAIN CHOSE TO LIKE SOMEONE WHO WILL NEVER LIKE ME BACK! AND EVEN IF THEY KNEW THEY WOULDN'T CARE!" Ink only sobbed louder.

Then It hit me like a truck. Ink likes...

"You like... Nightmare? Don't you?"

Ink looks at me wide eyed and shook his head in a yes... why did it hurt when he did this?

'Mabey your not strait Error... you could be gay... for Ink.... I ship it'

"SHUT UP!" I was glitching. Bad.

"Uhhh? You alright Error? I didn't say anything... whats wrong?"

"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!" After that I stormed out to my house in the blank anti-void.


UHHH WHY DID I LIE! I DONT LIKE NIGHTMARE ONE LITTLE BIT! ERROR! I LIKE YOU YOU LITTLE GLITCH BALL! Ugh theirs no use yelling at myself in my head... why am I so stupid... atleast he didn't find out and I hope he never does... he won't and I he does he'll thing I crazy, which isn't to far off.

Soon I realized that Errors strings were already gone and I was on my knees with my head in my hands contemplating life on the snowy land below me as the chilling unwelcoming wind blew in my hair. Definitely UnderFell, sad and unwelcoming with a hint of the smell of blood. But now it wasen't just a hint, everywhere reeked of unheard screems of agony, blood, and judgement. I could only think of one thing.

I failed, like always.

But as I always do I push my need of help away and work on the AU with tears in my eyes, Ink tears mind you.

~Time Skip brought to you by Ink and Ramen getting married while Error sobs in the corner~

After I was done fixing the AU I teleported back to my house and (666 words XD) plopped onto the couch. I didn't feel like doing anything. But, I should consult my friends on this. I pick up my phone and dile a very normal set of numbers.





"Yes Ink?"

"Hey could you come over?"

"Yea Im not doing anything! Want me to bring Blue?"

"Yes please."

"Ok be there in about an hour, bye!"

"Bye, Dream"

~Time Skip brought to you by The Star Sanses with cat ears~




"Hey guys!" I said as the light coco and pale boys walked in. Dream a light brown boy with shoulder length bleach blond hair that suprisingly has never been touched with die or any coloring substance. Well, I cant be talking I have naturally bleach white hair. Anyways, his eyes are a nice and deep brown with prominent gold specs.

Blueberry on the other hand, is a pale as the moon male like me but he died his hair a vibrant cyan. His eyes are a deep blue.

"Hello Ink." Dream calmly replied to me as he sat down next to me eyes locked on the bright TV showing the movie Holes (if you haven't watched it look it up on netflix or anywhere its a good movie).

Blue was much more ecstatic upon arrival. Or at any time. "HEY INK!"

"Blue! My poor ears!" I joked as he pouted and sat next to me.

Dream got strait to the point. "Whats Wrong, Ink?"

"Well, I got into a fight with Error and he found you about my scratches, then h-"

Blue looked at me unhappy loosing his usually cheery smile. "Ink, really? You need to stop. I get it you like Error, and you dont think he'll ever like you but... scratching doesn't fix anything. Just tell him and see what he says. If he says no fine, if he says yes awsome! Just dont hurt yourself over him... nobody should be worth you own memtal and physical health."

"Thats the thing, he asked me why and I said because I like someone who doesen't care and he asked me if I liked... Nightmare... and I shock my head yes because I couldn't just blurt out 'HEH NOPE I LIkE YOU ERROR AND I THINK YOU'LL NEVER LIKE ME SO I HURT MY SELF'. But, then he yelled at me to shut up, I asked him why and he just asked why do I care then stormed off." I said regreting every word I said to Error.

"So, wadda' gonna' do Ink? You can't just leave him like that... mabey go tell him...?" Dream suggested.

"Well... eventually... not now I need to plan and think.... but yes I will tell him, eventually." With that statement in place my friends left me to my thoughts.... when WILL I tell him?

HERE! HAPPY EARLY CHAPTER EVERYBODY! *pulls confetti out of no where*.... I loved writing this.




Dont Get Under My Skin ~ ErrInk - Human Ver.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora